Proposing On Christmas🎁💍

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It was Christmas Eve and today Michael wanted to ask you a very special question. He has always wanted to marry you since he saw your beautiful face. He had an idea to propose to you on Christmas day not only will it be a great present it will also be romantic and the perfect Christmas. ❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍😍. Tomorrow was gonna be perfect and his family and your friends and some of his will be there to see it .

Michael's POV

Mike: I can't wait till tomorrow to propose to the girl i love and soon make her my wife.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😊. Hopefully she says yes.

You were out shopping for more Christmas presents with your friends. Your friends knew about the proposal and they couldn't wait till tomorrow to see your face.

Back at home Michael was at home just waiting for his beautiful girlfriend to come home.

Once you got back home you greeted Michael with a kiss and spent a lovely Christmas eve together.

Christmas Day!!!!

Today was the day the day of the proposal and Michael couldn't wait.

You guys woke up and said merry Christmas to another. And went downstairs to open the presents. Once you got down there you saw his family and your friends and you hugged them and wished them a merry Christmas.

Through out the morning you all opened your presents and gave your presents to another. Once it was time Michael got his present and faced you and held one of your hands. And you were confused as to what's going on and you saw everyone get out their phones.

You: Michael what's going on??

Michael: Baby i have something i wanna ask you.

He says getting down one knee.

You: Ok. You said still confused and mind blown.

Michael. Baby you are the light of my world. You are my whole world. I don't wanna live my life unless you're in it. I always wanna wake up to that gorgeous face everyday. So I'm just wondering one thing. He opens the box that the ring is in and you gasp.

Michael: Will you marry me Y/n???

Your eyes were filled with tears you were so happy you couldn't speak.

Michael: Well.. y/n will you marry me????

You: Yes Michael yes I will marry you. Yes yes!!!.

You say and kiss him passionately and he kisses you back passionately and everyone records everything and awws.

After you showed everyone one the ring and they congratulated you guys and you two thanked them. This was the best Christmas ever after all the lovely gifts you got proposed to the man you love.

Awwww what a lovely Christmas and romantic. Awww. Anyways that's it guys i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽.



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