The Whisper Challenge

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Today you guys are doing the whisper challenge. And if u don't know what it is you and michael are gonna have headphones on listening to music and one of you are gonna be saying something to the other person and it'll be like your whispering and they have to guess what u said.

You get the camera set up.

You: Hey you guys it's me y/n again and i'm here again with my boyfriend Michael

Michael: Hey guys😽😊😄

You: Alright so today we're doing the whisper challenge and if you don't know what that is... (you explained what it is).

You: Alright let's get to it. So i'll get to it

Michael: Ok

You put on your headphones and put on some music and tell him your ready. He nods his head.

Michael: Ok. You look amazingly pretty today

(Again guys picture u guys saying these in a funny way)

Soon after you went and then again he went.

You said things like: I love you Or I'm hungry or how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a would chuck could chuck wood and he would say I love so much baby and he song the lyrics to his bad songYour butt is mine
Gonna tell you right
Just show your face
In broad daylight
I'm telling you
On how I feel
Gonna hurt your mind
Don't shoot to kill
Come on

Then at the very end it was Michael's turn and he had a surprise for you.

You: Ok go.

He got down on one knee and you were speechless and u didn't know what was going on

Michael: Y/n i love you so much your my whole world I can't live without you so i'm wondering will you u take the honor of being my wife???

He showed you the ring.

And your breath was taking away by how gorgeous it looked

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And your breath was taking away by how gorgeous it looked.

Michael: Well.. will you marry me?


You kiss him passionately and he does the same to you he then puts the ring on your finger and you two kiss again. Then u ended the video.

Then u sat down with your fiancé and had a lovely evening

Today was an awesome day you made a fun video and then got proposed to you would remember this day forever.

Alright u guys that's it for now I hoped you guys enjoyed this and if u did then you know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you next time ✌🏽️

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