Chapter 27: Gorgon Versus Dragon

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Dragon Jemima darted down tunnel after tunnel, talons clicking against rock, following the gorgon's terrifying screams. She knew Morwain had kept the gorgon asleep for several days. Now it was awake, it would be starving. She also knew gorgons only eat live flesh.

The tunnels were too narrow to spread her wings but her leg muscles were strong. Her lizard eyes made out every detail, every crevice of the rock walls clearly and distinctly in spite of the underground gloom. Jemima had never shifted into a magical creature before. She doubted if any Shifter had ever had the opportunity to shift into a dragon. It was an extraordinary sensation. She felt as if her veins were running with molten lava. Her heart was a ball of fire, hot as the sun. Her whole body vibrated with red-hot energy.

The gorgon screamed again, louder this time, the bone-chilling screech reverberated off the cave walls. Jemima turned and ran, turned and ran down the labyrinthine tunnels, tail swinging around corners behind her. With her dragon's super-hearing, she could just make out the monster's footsteps scurrying in her direction, talon on rock. Jemima knew she was close – just around the next bend.

Suddenly the tunnel ahead of her split in two. Looking down one of the forks, she saw a figure scampering towards her on all fours. The snakes on its head were thrashing and hissing furiously, its jaws were wide open, hooked fangs dripping with drool, its poisonous eyes wild with frenzy. When it caught sight of the dragon up ahead, the monster reared up, threw its head back and let loose an ear-splitting scream, swiping at the air with its venomous claws. Then it threw itself down the tunnel towards Jemima.

In a flash, Jemima bolted off down the other fork, legs pumping, feet dashing against the ground, flanks heaving as she inhaled and exhaled, inhaled and exhaled.

The gorgon's claws scrabbled as it skidded to a halt at the intersection, wheeled round and charged off in pursuit of Jemima, hunger redoubling its speed now its prey was in sight. Jemima bounded along the tunnel, faster than the wind, she was ten times bigger than the gorgon, she felt more powerful than she ever had before.

But somehow the gorgon was gaining on her.

She twisted her head to look over her shoulder. It was closer than it should be. How can this be happening? She lowered her head, flared her nostrils and ran even harder. Dragon Jemima was sprinting down the tunnel at top speed now, legs moving so fast, they were a blur. But the clacking of the gorgon's talons was getting louder. It was closing the gap between them.

Goddess protect me! she screamed inwardly. Faster and faster she ran, left down this tunnel, right down that one, desperately hoping to shake the monster off.

And then she felt it – a drop of drool from the gorgon's mouth landed on her tail.

Quick as lightning, Jemima whirled round and snaked her head upwards, sucking in air through her snout, filling her enormous lungs. Then she opened her jaws and exhaled a blazing torrent of fire onto the gorgon – yellow and orange flames cascaded out of her mouth, engulfing the monster in a fiery inferno.

The gorgon straightened up from all fours and spread its arms wide as if embracing the flames. It stood still for a second, burning like a torch, then leant forward and started to inhale. Jemima watched in horror as it sucked all the flames in through its mouth until all the fire was gone and the gorgon was left standing - arms wide, not a single scorch mark on it.  Totally unharmed.

In a panic, Jemima turned on her heels and took off, running for her life now, heart thumping like a hammer. Goddess protect me! She threw herself blindly down this tunnel and then that tunnel.

But the fire seemed to have made the gorgon stronger. It was right on her heels now. And as the gorgon grew stronger, Jemima sensed she was growing weaker. Somehow it was feeding off her energy. With every step, she felt her strength leaving her. Her muscles began to tremble, her head began to swim, a wave of nausea swept over her.

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