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September 13

    Dean was surprised of what his mysterious pen pal gave as a reply.

"Greetings DW,

In fact, I do know who you are, Dean Winchester. But I'm certain that you don't want any connection with someone like me. Not many do, anyway.



    Dean wasted no time to write. It was not everyday that the older Winchester had something to look forward to.

"Hey CN,

Really? With that..."


    Castiel have heard of Dean's detention-worthy sarcastic remarks, but never experienced it first hand. Well, Cas should scratch that off his bucket list now, considering Dean's recent letter.

"Hey CN,

Really? With that pleasant attitude of yours? I don't believe it... And how do you know who I am?



    Cas took his pencil and paper with only one thought in mind: Two could play that game.

"Greetings DW,

Charming, Winchester. Is that how you get into your teachers' hearts and out of detention?

And let's just say I have... reliable sources.




BW_623: I dedicate this chapter to Kendra!!! XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUDE!!! Hope you like my #ChapterGift XD 

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