Chapter 13

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A/N: I do not own this image ^ BTW this chapter is pretty boring so I'll make it short xxx


Thomas could not believe it had worked, instead of showing his excitement he lifted his chin in the air and strolled through the door casually, he heard the heavy footsteps of his friends as they walked over a tin floor. A long hallway lay ahead of them, a blinding light greeted them at the other end of the door, Thomas squinted as they walked through. What he saw outside was breath taking. It was like something in a fairyland. Ice blue layers of waves crashed onto one another as far as he could see left and right. A stone road lay flat in the middle right in front of Thomas, it crawled through the majestic mountains sitting right in front of him. (South Argentina has a lot of ice but because of the sun flares it melted. I'm so bad a this ok this was just in case you had no idea what I was talking about!)

Thomas looked to his left on the little, 'Island? Floating flat trans?' Thomas didn't know what to call it but he saw a huge coach, Thomas remembered being in a coach before but having no idea when. Adrenalin pumped through Thomas like the waves moving swiftly with the wind, he felt like a wind up toy; he hadn't ran in a while and it was building up inside. If he let it out he could run flat out and beat the coach to wherever they were going. A man approached them, he had a medium build, maybe 6"3 with very neatly jelled back blonde hair. The mans eyes were a pale grey showing no emotion, he stood straight in his black trousers and his puffy black jacket where the collar was almost touching his chin. Thomas observed a badge on the left man's upper arm, Thomas could make out the words since is was pretty similar to English. Police Federal Brazil.

"Make your way into the coach." The man ordered, Thomas obeyed and ran over to the coach along with Minho, because Minho was a runner he was just as hyper as Thomas.

"You guys are acting like little kids!" Brenda shouted walking over, Thomas just laughed, he really was but he's never really had a childhood or been happy much so he let himself off with it. The coach was red and cream with no windows because of the thick heat layering the air, taking a deep breath and blowing out could be a substitute flame thrower. The coach didn't have a door either. Thomas stepped into the bus and heard Minho huff behind him.

"No door? This place is really taking safety precautions to the extreme." He whispered not to be heard by the driver Thomas was right in front of. He wore the same clothes but with no badge, Thomas had no idea how they could wear jackets, the heat was killing them and Thomas still had red shoulders from the scorch. This man had very tanned skin and was bald, Thomas couldn't see his eyes due to him wearing blacked out sunglasses. Thomas worried if the man could see at all. Thomas and Minho both ran to the back of the bus which lay four seats. Thomas and Minho sat at the two middle ones. The seats were a dark blue and felt like sitting and leaning back on mattress'. Brenda walked in and sat at the front to Thomas' left, she took window side, Thomas left his window side to Teresa as he knew she would feel a bit icky if she couldn't look out a window. Aris walked in and sat window side behind Brenda. Frypan walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Guys! I threw Newt in the water!" He shouted and sat down next to Aris. Thomas was trying to hold back laughter as a soaking wet Newt limped onto the bus with an angry expression.

"Frypan!" He shouted in fury. Minho burst out laughing. Newt trudged up to us and sat next to Minho.

"Good one Fry!" Thomas shouted from the back cupping his mouth with his hands. Frypan stood up.

"Thanks man!" He shouted back. Before Frypan could sit down Harriett, Teresa and Sonja came in. Harriett and Sonja sat roughly in the middle section on the bus.

"Teresa!" Minho shouted and pointed to the seat next to Thomas. Walking up she passed Thomas and sat down. Minutes after that Jorge and the blonde guy came in and stood at the front of the bus. Jorge sat down next to Brenda leaving the blonde man to lead.

"We have identified your co ordinates to Brazil so that's where we are heading, with new technology we can get you there in 1 hour approx."

"We can all thank my mental instructor" Teresa whispered. Thomas turned around and smiled.

"I guess we can." He replied quietly.

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