Chapter 23

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Minho shared a room with two other men, one had greasy ginger hair that stuck to the sides of his face, lots of freckles and unfortunate buck teeth. The other man had very short black hair, no eyebrows and no teeth. His cell was pretty basic, three beds were spread out neatly across the room, a toilet lay in the corner with a draw curtain for privacy and that was it. 

"You going to introduce yourselves or not?" Minho sighed in a sarcastic tone. These men did have big builds but nothing too big for Minho to feel intimidated by them, the ginger man turned to Minho with a smirk pinching the left side of his mouth. Minho cringed at his two front teeth hanging outside his mouth like a cliff ledge.

"Danny." The ginger man said in a very Caribbean accent. The second man didn't talk at all and just lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. 

"And you are?" Minho asked rushing the second mans reply. 

"Abilio" the man replied in a deep voice, once he sat up Minho could get a proper look at him, a scar ran from the his chin to the top of his chest, Minho knew by the layer of skin covering it up that it was done quite a while ago; curiosity on how it happened ate away at him but Minho wasn't like Thomas, he knew when to shut up. 


Newt had gotten comfortable in his cell, it had four beds and a toilet with a curtain draw. Three men were in his cell with him, two were twins with straight blonde hair and perfectly white teeth. The other man looked a bit like the twins but a lot older and with darker skin, Newt assumed he was the twins' dad.

"Newt, you were the one of the maze people, my name is Affonso and these are my sons Jake and Harvey." The man spoke in a very native Brazilian accent, Newt knew straight away this was where he had spent most of his life.

"We came here when the sun flares struck, we're half Brazilian, half Scottish." Jake said in a Scottish accent. Newt loved their accent, it was bold and strong. New knew he was originally from England which bordered Scotland. The twins had huge muscles and looked about 6" tall, maybe just smaller than Thomas and Minho. 

"We were sent to this prison for rebelling against WICKED because we heard what they were doing to you guys." Harvey added, Newt walked over to his bed and crashed down on it. 

"We need everyone we can get, we have a plan to take WICKED down but we need people to make that possible." Newt realised how pathetic it sounded but waited for their response.

"What's the plan?" Affonso questioned pacing the room. Newt gulped and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"I've got people making a plan as we speak, we'll know soon." Newt mumbled. Affonso laughed in mockery. Newt knew this wouldn't go down easy.

"And you are expecting us to risk our lives for a dodgy plan some people are making?" Affonso shouted, Newt stood up determined to win these guy over.

"We survived the maze, the scorch and escaped WICKED, if anyone's got a chance of destroying WICKED it's going to be us!" Newt shouted, his voice cracking. Affonso turned to face Newt immediately. Harvey and Jake refused to make eye contact with Newt and glued their eyes to their father. 

"He has a point" Jake whispered, Affonso's face turned bitter as he pushed Jake back, the sound of his head banging off the floor made Newt shiver. 

"No he doesn't!" His face turned purple as he yelled. Newt waited for him to attack his son again but walking past him Affonso quietly lay down on his bed and shut his eyes.  Newt froze, this man is crazy.

"Fighting WICKED is something that you don't forget, they are powerful people; what they did to our people made my father go a little weird." Harvey whispered helping his brother off the ground, bruising covered his forehead from the impact.

"We'll fight with you." Jake added, Newt was relived but wished he could just escape these bars. Newt knew prison was bad but after meeting Affonso, shivers arose within him while thinking of the type of people put in the secure isolation unit.


Thomas tried to identify the men's facial features but none of them would look at him. Sitting up Thomas shook of all of the anxiety he had.

"My names Thomas, I'm only here to get recruits to fight WICKED with us." Thomas said, at first nobody moved making Thomas frustrated but one man spun around and started slowly removing his cloth. The man spread out his cloth and lay it in front of Thomas.

Direitos sobre o homem, a liberdade para o povo. 

Thomas read over the white sewn lettering, Thomas knew it was Portuguese. 

"I don' know Portuguese." Thomas grunted looking up at the man who passed the cloth over to him. A smile arose in the mans face, His teeth were stained and half were missing, Thomas bit his lip to stop himself from gagging. 

"Rights to the man, freedom to the people." The mans voice was surprisingly soothing and deep like a 1950's jazz singer. Thomas thought over the words, rights to the man, freedom to the people. 

"So you're in?" Thomas asked hopefully, he still didn't understand the quote. Another man took his cloth off, placing it in his pocket. 

"We were born fighters, we're in alright." he grinned crossing his arms.  

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