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See I promised! Enjoy! :)

Please comment your opinions if you want! I would love to read them.


The next day was simple enough. She did her normal routine at work, and Draco stopped by a couple of times to say hello, to which she looked forward to every time the door opened.

People stopped giving her the pity stares, which she and Draco now called them, and her life was back to it's pretty normal state.

Right as she was about to leave, the secretary opened Hermione's door after a brisk knock, and she was presented with flowers. They were beautiful, much like the ones Ron had given her last night.

The secretary put them on her desk and rushed to leave, slamming the door quickly shut behind her.

Hermione then opened the small envelope attached, enchanted for only her to see.

Hermione- I love you so very much, please take these flowers so I can show you my love and how sorry I am.

With love, Ron

Touched at the least by this chivalrous gesture, she placed them on her desk and headed to the floo network to go to a boutique back home that she loved. She wanted to visit her parents as well, for she hadn't seen them in over a month and missed them.

As suddenly as she had left the ministry, she was now in the living room of her parents new home. Even though she hadn't grown up there, the place still reminded her of comfort and of family, two things she had men missing in her life lately.

"Mom, dad!" She yelled, trying to find them. As always, they were in the kitchen. She was always used to her mothers home cooked meals warming the room as she did her math homework, her dad sometimes chiming in with news stories she would be interested in. The kitchen really was the heart of every home for them.

"Oh Hermione dear! It's so great to see you!" Her mother said. Even her dad look surprised, but was extremely delighted that she was home.

Her parents both came to give her hugs and ask about what she had been up to lately as her mother prepared soup for her "hard travels." Whatever that meant.

She quickly told them about how she and Ron aren't together anymore, not sounding upset because she was over the hurt she had felt before. Her parents gave eachother knowing glances, knowing that their dear Hermione would find a way through the pain, and still find someone better for her anyways.

"Oh! And mom! I wanted to go shopping while I'm down here with you! I've been wanting to liven up my style latley, and now is the perfect time to! Can we go, please?" She asked her mom quickly after their Ron conversation.

"Oh honey, of course I would! Let me just go change really quickly." Hermione looked at her mothers clothes for the first time that day, realizing that she was in her PJs.

After a shopping spree with her mom by her side, which was the most fun she had had in a long time,  and a delicious dinner prepared by her dad- the second best cook she had ever known after her mom- Hermione headed back home with heavy bags on her arms.

She went to her wardrobe, and took out all of the old, drab clothing. Now, she figured, was a time for her to start fresh and pick herself back up, and she chose to recreate herself by how she looks.

She was decently pretty, but she never took much time looking like she knew she could. So now, with the new clothes and makeup, the hair products too, she was ready to look like new.

Actually, screw the makeup, she thought, I rub my eyes to much and I'll just mess it up, knowing me. She magically put all those products into a return pile for later, glad she reasoned with herself.

The next few days flew by, each day getting compliments galore on her new looks. Additionally, she got flowers daily,  sometimes twice a day. Her letter back from Ginny confirmed that she had know nothing about any of Ron's cheating, and nor had Harry. After a few reassuring paragraphs from her closest friend, she put the letter aside and sprung into her work.

All was well, and Draco made regular appearances at her office. He came just to tell her that his favorite Quiditch team had won a game, or that he heard gossip that a coworker was planning on asking him out soon, because of his amazing looks.

"You just had to hear her, Hermione! She was gushing just so loud, complementing me on how good I looked from the cubical next to mine. Like please, I know I'm a fine man, but no need to scream it and make a fool of yourself, right?"

"Yep, Draco, your amazing, rah rah," Hermione said, mocking his arrogance.

"Ah, but I am, and I'm so glad you have come to realize it. Maybe you should ask me out before that Britney does. I want a woman with personality, and she just cares about looks, hence that previous complaint," he raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her reply.

Hermione thought it was a joke, but her heart actually did want to go out with him, even though she didn't want to believe that herself yet. "In your dreams, Malfoy," she said instead.

He looked fake hurt, before glancing at his watch. "Gotta blast. See you in a bit," he winked and then left. Hermione watched him until she couldn't see him anymore.

She had come to love these little visits, ever since the first one after her makeover.


Days ago, she was reading about a new muggle/magic case, preparing leads for the investigators, like usual, when Draco had stopped by.

He came right in, not pausing to knock, and said "Hey I was wondering..." Then trailed off as she looked up. She was standing by a filing cabinet in the corner of her office, and he gave her a long, meticulous once over. 

By anyone else, she would have found it perverted and have cussed them out. But this was Draco, she remembered. He was used to being able to look as long as he wants. But that doesn't mean it was right of him. Just to mess with him, she mimicked his once over, this time on him. But wow, he looks good.

Where did that come from? Not once had she ever wanted to check out Drake, and he shouldn't have the luxury to look at her, so she went and sat at her desk instead.

"Wow," he had started, "you look just..." But he never finished.

Conveniently, Hermione had picked up for him by saying "Ah is it possibly true that you are speechless in the presence of a girl?"She laughed and he turned red.  "Oh! And you are blushing, this is just too good!"

He then said, as if regaining his composure, "Well you clean up well. Who knew you were actually a girl under those clothes you used to wear." They both laughed, she remembered, her at his arrogance and him at his wording.

She never knew, however, that he was just falling for her more and more.

They talked for a while about the muggle/wizard case that Hermione was working on, and the Draco claimed he had to leave and finish a few things at his office space.

Really, it was just an excuse to calm himself and try to stay away before he fell to hard for her.

After gazing into each other's eyes for a solid minute, they said good-byes, and then Draco closed the door of her office behind him. He leaned against it and put his head in his hands. Screw it, he thought, I'm not going to fight my feelings for her any longer. He needed to show her that he cared for her, that he could make her feel special.

And he decided to do just that.

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