* * *
I pulled into the school's car park, my heart beating out of my chest. "Are you nervous?" Dinah squinted as I parked. I turned to look at her. "No, I'm just really happy." I said, unclipping my seatbelt.
"God forbid Michael Clifford to be nervous." She smirked a little, making me chuckle, shaking my head as I looked down. "Am I nervous to be seen with you? No. Am I... Am I nervous to be with you? Yes." I said, leaning against the back of my seat. She took off her seatbelt and turned to face me, tilting her head at me a bit. "Why?" She asked. "Cause I don't wanna fuck up." I chuckled a bit; I thought it was obvious.
"Well let's see if you do." She smirked a little, then turned to open her door. I got out also, locking the car as she walked around to me.
"Ready?" I asked, tucking my keys in my pocket. "Yep." She answered while she reached out her hand to me. She grabbed ahold of my arm and guided it to hold her waist.
I smiled a little as I held onto her, beginning to walk towards the school. "Your parents are really nice." Dinah said to me. "They're really embarrassing," I corrected, laughing a little as we walked into the hall where the prom was being held.
"So... Food table?" I suggested, looking down to her after I'd taken in our new surroundings. "Yeah, people are scary." She chuckled, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair. I smiled a little, watching her for a few seconds before we began walking towards the food table.
I let go of her waist once we had reached the table, and she looked up to me. "What?" I asked nervously. "Nothing," She laughed, "Nothing. Chill." She said, putting her hand on my forearm for a few seconds. "I wasn't prepared for this, okay?" I chuckled, "That's why I'm being all... All dorky." I said, licking my lips once I'd finished. "You're being adorable," She smiled, sending my stomach to perform backflips.
She chuckled a little after a few seconds, since I didn't respond. She turned her body to face the table, reminding me what we were doing. I looked over the food options, which was mainly fruit.
"Yeah... Fruit's okay, but like, there's cookies over on the left." She murmured, making me laugh. "I was thinking the same," I nodded, looking over to where the cookies were; right next to the table that Luke and Tiffany were seated at.
We started walking over to the cookies, and both took one each. "Michael?" Luke questioned, and I kept myself from letting out a sigh as I turned to face him. "Hey," I said, forcing a smile. "Hi! I thought you weren't coming," He said, pulling out the chair next to him, inviting me to sit down.
"Yeah, uh, I thought so too," I mumbled, pulling out another seat for Dinah. "Ahh," Luke said knowingly as he watched the two of us sit down. "Yeah." I smiled subtly as I tore my gaze from Dinah back to Luke.
"Hey Dinah," Tiffany smiled at her, and Dinah awkwardly turned to her. "Hi." She replied politely. I smirked a little, but quickly took a bite of my cookie to cover it up. "You look really nice." Tiffany complimented. "Thank you. You do too," Dinah smiled, then took a bite of her cookie.
I figured that Tiffany thought she'd have to be friends with Dinah, since if Dinah was with me then Dinah would be with the 'popular' kids. But Dinah despised Tiffany, and the feeling was mutual.
"Sucks that Calum isn't here," Luke said to me. I nodded a bit, "Yeah, he went to Ashton's school for their prom didn't he?" I asked. "I think so, yeah." He nodded.
Suddenly, Tiffany gasped. "Oh my God, Luke this is like, my favourite song. We've gotta go dance." She said excitedly, already standing up. "Okay," He chuckled a little as she grabbed his hand, forcing him to stand up so that she didn't rip his arm off. "See you guys later." Luke called as he was dragged onto the dance floor.
I turned back to Dinah, shifting my whole body to face her direction. "I'm not much of a dancer," She said, looking up to me while somewhat hiding behind her cookie. "Me either," I smiled, amused by her position. "What?" She asked, giggling a little. "You're like this," I said, holding my cookie up to my face and peeking over the top of it. "Oh my God," She laughed, lowering down the cookie. I did too, grinning and chuckling a long as I watched her laugh.
Once she'd composed herself, she waited a few seconds before talking again. "So if you're not much of a dancer then why were you so intent on going to prom?" She asked. "It was more of a... Like a, a popularity thing. I don't care about it, it's just like," I sighed a little, "Okay wait, I swear I'm not trying to make myself look like a douche." I said and she chuckled a little, "It just comes naturally?" She asked. "No!" I laughed, "No, no it sounds douche-y but, ah," I chuckled, putting my head in my hands. "Just keep going, I'll ignore the douche-y-ness." She said, putting her tiny hands on my wrists to guide my hands down from hiding my face.
"Alright, I mean like, the 'popular' kids," I said, using air quotes around the word 'popular.' "Are expected to be at stuff like this, like prom, sports games and shit," I said, cringing at myself. "And you know, everyone's expecting popular kids to go with other popular kids - But, but I don't care about that, I don't care about any of that, I swear. Like, I didn't particularly want to actually go to this like a week ago, but I felt like I had to, and I had to have a date and everything, but... But that was me thinking about the expectations of other people, does that make any sense?" I asked.
"Yeah, it actually does make sense." Dinah nodded. "Good," I breathed out. "Cause this week, I went from wanting a date, to wanting to take you, to just wanting you." I said and she grinned adorably, covering her mouth with her hand.
I reached my hand out to her, and she put the one that was covering her mouth in mine, instead holding her bottom lip between her teeth. I smiled a little, glancing to the clock up on the wall before looking back to her. "Do you wanna go to that concert then?" I asked, and she let go of her bottom lip, grinning again. "Okay." She giggled.
"You're sure you don't wanna stay here?" She asked as we stood up. "I'm sure. It's boring here and everyone's acting weird," I said and she chuckled, nodding. "Isn't prom magical?" She asked sarcastically, looking around a little as we walked to the exit. "The highlight was that cookie." I said and she nodded, "Yeah, the fruit was a fucking joke." She said, which made me laugh.
We managed to get out without being stopped and questioned by one of our peers, and so we headed straight to my car. I got in the drivers seat and shut my door. "To All Time Low!" I cheered.
"Put your seatbelt on, oh my God," Dinah laughed, leaning over and clicking my seatbelt in as I chuckled uncontrollably. "Every time." She giggled. "I've never forgotten before, until this week," I said, starting up the engine.
"Yeah, I have that effect on people - You know, making them more likely to kill themselves." She said sarcastically. "Shut up," I laughed a little, "No you don't."
"I do." She smirked a little.
"Start driving, blondie."
"I am, uh, b... Brownie? Awh! You're my little chocolate brownie!" I laughed, grinning as I pulled out of the parking space. "Oh my God," She giggled, covering her face with her hands. "It's cute!" I chuckled. "It is," She agreed, though she was clearly embarrassed.
"A cute little nickname for a cute little girl." I smirked, and she groaned, laughing a little, "Shut it, Clifford."
"Whatever, Williams." I beamed.
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Prom ; MGC
FanfictionIn which the most popular guy in school can't get a date, and so begs the outcast to go with him.