Chapter Three

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“What is the matter?” Aedrean asked while I screamed my throat raw. He stood there, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion and concern.

                “You-you-you were dead!” I accused. I scrambled backwards, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. How could it be that he was alive? Whelp, I was never, ever, never coming in this forest again. This, apparently, was the place where dead people got up and walked away.

                “No. I am not dead. Look. See? I breathe. My heart beats.” He said, taking in big gulps of air to show me. I was sure it was meant to calm me down, but it didn’t. If anything it made me tenser.

                “Pleasedon’thurtmepleasedon’thurtmepleasedon’thurtme.” I chanted. He could’ve been a vampire. They could breathe. Only if they thought about it, but still. Vampires could breathe.

                Aedrean laughed. “I am not going to hurt you. Whatever gave you that idea?” he said. I only kept chanting. He sighed and sat down next to me. “Let us start over. Shall we?” I still kept up my quiet chant. He sighed again. “Well I am Aedrean.” He said, holding out his hand as if he wanted me to shake it.

                “I know.” I finally whispered. I didn’t move any closer to him. I didn’t take his hand. I only squeezed my eyes shut, as if that would make it all go away. Sadly, I knew it wouldn’t.

                “You do? Have we met?” Aedrean asked, still holding out his hand. After a moment of nothing on my part, though, he let it fall back to his side. “No. we haven’t met. I think I would remember you. You saw my history, am I correct? Are you a healer?” he asked, his voice was full of hope and excitement when he said the last part. I said nothing. “I do not understand. What is wrong?” he asked, a little exasperated. I still said nothing. “At least tell me your name so we are not at such a disadvantage on my part.”

                I was silent for a moment, then, “Feight.” I said it in a whisper, barely working up the courage to say it at all.

                “Ah. Feight is a lovely name.” Aedrean said kindly, making another attempt to calm me down, put me at ease.

                “But you were dead! I saw you die! How are you here?” I suddenly burst. I finally looked at him and instantly melted. The smile he was currently giving me was . . . indescribable.

                “Yes. I was dead, but I was brought back to life, Feight.” Aedrean said calmly. He gave me a look full of patience. “Now will you answer one of my questions? You do not even have to say anything.” he asked kindly.

                 I nodded.

                “Are you a healer? Or do you know?” he asked slowly, making sure I understood.

                I blinked at him. I was still in shock. Major shock. “Like a doctor?” I asked, unsure of what he meant.

                “Something like that, just different.” Aedrean said. He shifted until he was in front of me. I eyed him cautiously, I was still afraid. And why shouldn’t I have been? Just yesterday this guy was dead.

                “Then what is a healer?” I asked, confused.

                “A healer is-” Aedrean started, but was cut off when we both heard a snap and something fell from a nearby tree. We both snapped our heads in the direction we heard the noise and caught a glimpse of a bird falling. Aedrean got up went to it. He came back with a beautiful blue bird with a broken wing. “Here, take it.” He said, holding it out to me.

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