Chapter 4

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I got more and more out of it as Grayson continued to walk towards the shadowy figure. I felt an odd feeling in my gut telling me not to follow him into the woods. I was too tired to go after Gray, but when he looked around and scanned the crowd searching for someone who may spot him disappear into the woods, I knew he didn't want to be followed. So, I did just that.

It was hard to carry my body on two legs. Everything, especially my head, felt heavy and it became difficult to carry on. I knew that I shouldn't go into the woods in my current condition, but I had to. Curiosity had gotten the better of me.

I slowly dragged myself up from the sand and walked towards the woods with my leg dragging behind me. I pushed through the crowd of intoxicated teens knocking into several people, one of them being Bruce.

"There you are!" The purple haired boy said. "I've been looking all over for you. Where's Margot?"

His words seemed slow and raspy. Odd shapes danced on his pale complexion.

"She's in the back of Grayson's car." I said, but the words never left my mouth. They were only echoes in the back of my mind. I began to feel more tipsy. My body stumbled, causing me to fall into Bruce's arms.

"You're drunk aren't you?" He asked.

I didn't respond both because I couldn't speak and because I hadn't drank anything with except the Gatorade from the locker room.

The funny tasting Gatorade! Even through the clouds fogging my mind, I could clearly remember the odd taste of the sports drink. How could anyone have roofied something from a vending machine?

"Emily!" Bruce shouted snapping me out of my thoughts. "What did you drink?"

I shook my head then shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't know? Who'd you come here with anyway."

I still couldn't speak, so I couldn't tell Bruce that I had come here with Grayson. Of corse, that was a good thing given the ongoing tension between the two.

Instead, I put up three fingers in the shape of a 'w' and brought the hand up to my lips signaling that I wanted water.

"Water?" Bruce asked. I nodded. "Okay I'll get you some, just stay right here."

Bruce left me to get some water, but I didn't stay right there like he wanted me to. Needing water was the perfect alibi so that I could sneak off into the woods towards Grayson.

When Bruce disappeared behind the corner of the snack bar, I ran (we'll sort of) towards the tree line.

The woods here at night were dark and foreboding. As I walked deeper into the heart of the small forest, the noise of the party diminished until all I could here was the sounds of crickets.

Then, my ears picked up the sounds of muffled conversations.

"We hope your recent activity does not put a damper on your possible standings with us my child." Said a male voice with a British accent.

I thought for a moment the voice may belong to Orpheus, the Shape Shifter vampire who nearly killed me nine months ago. Only, this new voice was more refined and the Shifter was dead anyways. I removed a shaky hand from my mouth.

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