Chapter 28

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Warning: PG-13. Again, things get a little heated

Tonight was the bond fire, which I honestly was quite nervous about, but when Isla brought me outside to where the celebration was being held, the nerves immediately melted away. Everyone was smiling and laughing. Kyle was performing some of his music for everyone. Truth was, I didn't much care about Kyle's little show because Grayson was sitting next to me with an arm wrapped around my shoulders. Not that he wasn't rocking his acoustic guitar though.

Grayson and I were tucked away from the group. We were both snuggled under a blanket. There was a low hanging tree branch that helped to conceal Gray and I from everyone else.

"We should talk about earlier." Grayson whispered in my ear causing chills to shoot down my arms. His voice was comparable to fine silk; always smooth and soothing; a rare, expensive treasure.

"Why are you whispering?" I teased. "Everyone's far enough away and I doubt anyone's paying us any attention." Grayson smiled and gestured over to Ethan. Ethan waved at us awkwardly with a grimace on his face. "You didn't tell him did you?"

"About?" Asked Grayson with a slight smirk.

"Us almost..." My voice trailed off with embarrassment.

"Almost what?" He continued to tease.

"You know damn well what!" I whispered shouted. "Can you not keep one secret?" I wasn't seriously mad at Grayson and he knew that.

"I can keep plenty of secrets."

"Just not this one I guess."

"You expect me to not tell my twin about my almost first time?"

I was cut off guard by his statement. First time? The idea of someone like Grayson never having had intimate contact with someone bewildered me. He must've noticed my sudden change of emotion because soon Grayson said: "Are you surprised or something?"

"I guess a little." A replied honestly. "What I mean is you could get any girl you wanted. I mean look at you."

"Well I only love you. And I've only loved you and I will only love you." Grayson leaned lover to kiss me. I pulled away before he could with a smile.

"You do not deserve a kiss for that." I laughed out.

"What? You don't like the cheesy romantic stuff?" Gray smiled at me.

I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled my boy in for the kiss he had attempted moments ago. Grayson snaked his ice cold hand under my shirt to the small of my back. Following his lead, I too shifted my hands under the hem of his shirt to his chest.

I moved up onto his lap breaking the kiss for a good ten seconds as I settled into the new position. Luckily, no one could see us too clearly through the branches.

"I could never get close enough to you." Grayson muttered. Feeling encouraged by his comment, I brought my lips down to his jaw then trailed kissed down the entirety of his neck. I bit down onto the sweet spot at the base of his neck. He let out the loudest moan I'd ever heard from him.

Soon, I was back on his lips. I had now moved my hands to his back and was leaving scratches on his skin every time he would bite down on my lip. Gray was gripping my hips tight enough to leave bruises. He was strong and powerful and no doubt could do more damage to me than we was doing now.

I felt as if at any moment I would melt. Grayson had me held very firmly against him. Every time I would move, he would groan. Even the slightest would send another bead of sweat down the side of his face.

"Maybe we'll have better luck this time around huh? Madeline can't interrupt us this time. Everyone's out here we could sneak back in and..." Grayson trailed off. He kissed down the side of my neck.

Before I had a chance to reply, there was a frightening distressed cry out in the distance followed by another, then another.

"Grayson what was-" I was cut off by a rustle in the nearby branches.

It was Nate. He appeared terribly injured.

"It's them!" He screamed out. "They've found us!"

There was a sound like shattering glass. Nate then collapsed onto the ground in a heap of dust.

He was dead.

QOTD: Which do you prefer, Disney World or Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure?

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