Chapter 11

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A week passed. Nothing new, no sign of Grayson.

My phone rang.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey, Em. How've you been doing since the party incident? I'm sorry I didn't call earlier." It was Margot.

"Nah it's alright. I'm doing well. What about you?" I said while walking over to my window and looking out to the backyard.

"I'm fine. Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today. Scarlette and I are going to the movies."

"Sure I would..." My voice trailed off as I noticed something flicker by in the trees. "...Love to go." I could see the thing clearly now. It was a bird. A raven.

"Margot I'm going to have to call you back." She began to protest. Yet, I still hung up and flung my window open. I stared out at the bird and it stared back with big, black eyes.

"Grayson!" I screamed out. The raven let out a distressed squawk and flew off into the trees.

I wasn't going to give up that easily. I was going to find that bird. In extreme desperation, I jumped out of my window and ran across the roof of my house until I found a place where I could safely find my two feet back on the ground.

I sprinted off into the woods. I felt as if I was flying, my feet sprayed dirt out behind me. My heart thumped against my chest. Fire erupted in my lungs.

I was deep in the woods now, completely enveloped by trees. I had lost all sense of direction, and for what? A damn bird.

"Grayson!" I screamed out, my voice cracking as I did so. Nothing. The only sound was the hum of a bee flying past my ear.

Again, I screamed out his name. Again, no response. I fell to my knees, head falling into my hands.

Then, a flutter of wings. A squawk. The sound of something landing on a branch.

I looked up to see the Raven. I smiled.

"Grayson?" I asked. The bird nodded.

"I've missed you." I said standing up and approaching the tree it was perched on. The bird bowed its head, and cooed in agreement.

"Why can't I see you?" The Raven covered its face with its wing.

"Grayson?" I asked, my voice straining through tears. Again, the bird didn't respond, instead it stared at my blankly.


I picked up a stick and sent it flying towards the bird. The Raven flew up into the air wildly. "Damn it Grayson! Show yourself!"

Nothing. Tears streaming down my face, I turned and walked off in the direction that I assumed home was.

The sound of a flutter rang in my ear. The Raven was flying in the air in front on me.

"Get away!" I swatted at the animal. He didn't leave.

"What?" I asked, venom in my voice.

Then I heard something. A sound. A deep, bellowing growl that was no where near human. An evil sound, a monster.

The Raven now flapped its wings widely and squawked insanely. It was a warning.

"What was that?" I asked. The bird never said anything, just kept moving sporadically.

The Raven let out one final warning. I ran towards home, only looking back once.

The bird was now in its human form. Grayson was standing out in the woods. A dark shadow loomed over him. His face was dark. Grayson looked to me with wide eyes as if warning me to keep running.

And I did. My legs didn't stop pumping until I was safely in the confines of my own home.

Bloody Lies//g.d~completedWhere stories live. Discover now