Chapter 25

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I sat quietly on the balcony overlooking the splendid landscape below. It was no longer raining, but dark clouds never ceased to hang over the surrounding area. The weather most definitely matched my mood.

My racing thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said just loud enough for the person to hear. Isla was on the other side of the door.

"Hey." She said simply. "You ready for training?" Isla must've sensed my low feelings because she seemed much less upbeat than usual.

"Do you I have to go?" I asked barely loud enough for even myself to hear. Of course, with Isla being a vampire and all, she was able to pick up my words.

"I would say so. C'mon sad sack. It won't be bad for you."

"But Grayson and I got in a fight and-"

"And you'll make up. I can promise you that."

I sighed. "Madeline also brought me to see the oracle."

Isla sat sunk down into the chair next to me. "And what? You saw your impending death or something?" She joked trying to lighten the mood.

I shook my head. "No, I got to see my life lines."

"Life lines? As in plural?"

"Yeah. According to Delphi I have two life paths or something."

Isla pursed her lips into a thin line. "I may be overstepping my bounds by saying this but I think this is something you should really talk to Grayson about. He's almost as involved in your decision making as you are."

"I'm just scared to." It took all I could not to let a mass of tears cascade down my cheeks.

I couldn't put into words how frightened it was. It wasn't normal for a human to know their inevitable future and it certainly wasn't normal for a human to have two futures. Sure, only one would end up occurring, but it was a strange feeling. I felt as if I was type separate entities.

"I'll help you find Gray if you want. Or even Ethan if you're more comfortable talking to him about the whole ordeal." Suggested Isla kindly.

"Yeah uh," I stifled a sniffle, "get Ethan for me would you?"

Isla nodded and walked out of the room.

I averted my gaze back over to the horizon. In the farthest reaches of what I could see, a large black bird soared through the sky. I wasn't sure if the raven was Grayson or not. But nonetheless, I observed the bird closely.

"It's quite a view isn't it." A voice said from behind me. Ethan's voice. I turned to him.

"Yeah it is." I replied simply.

"Isla said you wanted to talk to me?" I nodded in response. "Well shoot then."

"Madeline took me to the oracle this morning."

"What? Why?"

I shrugged. "Help clear my head. Make everything a bit easier."

"Let me guess, the oracle only made everything worse." Ethan stated simply.

"In about a year I have to make my decision. On whether or not to become like you or stay the same. Be human."

"And the oracle didn't show you what choice you're going to make?" Cautiously Ethan asked me.

"Delphi said I have two life paths. In one version of my future, I'm married to this guy I've never seen before and I'm a successful author."

Ethan questioned, "And the other?"

"I'm like you. A vampire. I can change into a white dove as well."

Ethan clenched his teeth together and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "I don't know what to tell you. I mean, you'd make one hell of a vampire, but it's a big decision to become like one of us."

"I know."

"Living forever isn't easy. The reality is perpetual loneliness. Sure, you'll have Grayson. But you'll never be able to have children. You'll never be able to see your father again, or your friends."

"Grayson's never talked about his changing before. It's almost as if he wants to forget about that part of himself."

Ethan smiled at me. "Don't tell my brother I told you this but Grayson told me when he's with you, he almost feels human again."

And without another word, Ethan strutted off the balcony and into the hallway leaving me more confused than I was before.

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