Mission Report

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××Jack's POV××

"Mission Report." She croaked

We all gasped.

"Jean, you went out on a mission? At this hour!" Tooth said raising her voice.

"I was called in, I had to go." Jean reasoned. "And T. please don't yell at me, my head is throbbing enough already."

"Sorry." Tooth said in a small voice.

"Look, they called me in because they found out that (y/n) wasn't at her friend's home anymore. They were looking for her, and lucky for her friend and her parents they were out of the house." Jean said.
She really sounded worried and now I was scared.

"So, they are after her already?" North asked. Jean nodded. The Yetis were done taking care of Jean's wounds so they dismissed themselves from the room. "How did you get hurt? Did they attack you?" Sandy signaled and Jean understood. "Yes, they did. The reason they called me in was because when they failed at locating her...they wanted me. They knew I had powers from the start, but they still haven't put together that I'm her sister." Jean took a breath. "They grabbed me from behind and tried putting these thick, metal bracelets on my wrists, but I used my telekinesis to push 'em against the wall. I began to try and gather as much info as I could from the leader's mind, before I was shoved to the ground. They repeatedly yanked me up by my hair and threw me down, well that is, until I did the same to them." She smirked at us and we all let out a relieved chuckle before she continued. "As I was taking care of those two big idiots, they began to shoot me with lasers but I kept on dodging 'em. Every time one shot at me I would use my powers to move the laser and shoot another laser instead, it was terrible." She gripped the side of her head in her right hand and was staring at the ground with wide eyes remembering each detail. "I made my way out the door when the leader grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me back. It hurt I'll tell y'all that!" Jean said with a half smile, half frown.

"How'd you get the black eye?" Tooth asked curiously. Jean laughed. "Well after I punched the leader in the nose, he began to bleed. So I took that opportunity to give him a good kick in the stomach, once he fell to the ground, I ran." Tooth opened her mouth to say something else when Jean cut her off. "Straight into a tree." Jean said laughing. We laughed and Jean spoke up again. "Then, Jack found me when I wanted to puke my guts out for running so far without a break."

"Well, now all we have to do is make sure that (y/n) stays safe. They can't enter the workshop, so that means when she wants to go wonder off outside, one of us has to go with 'er." Bunny said. We all agreed and Sandy even suggested that Jean move to the room right across from her just in case.

"You did good, Jean. Now rest, the Yetis are always here if you need anything." North told Jean. She nodded and laid back down on the couch.

"Man Jean, you're pretty tough. For a girl!" I teased. BIG MISTAKE.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm sorry!" I say repeatedly while Jean giggles and snorts. She used her powers to pull at my ears, while she laughed she had her eyes closed so I took the opportunity to shoot a ice at her nose. She jumped at the contact her nose made with the cold substance. Now it was my turn to laugh.

I flew up and clutched my aching stomach, and wiped away a tear. I landed back on the floor as she was wiping off the remaining ice off her, now red, nose. She shot me a glare then smirked. My smile dropped. "W-what?" I studdered. "Wait-are you reading my thoughts!?" She burst out laughing and I stood there shocked.

"You almost kissed my sister." She said pointing an accusing finger at me. I blushed and shook my head. "Nope."


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