Chapter 1

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"But do I know you?"

Quick Recap

Taylor and Jeremy were planning on spending the night at Jeremy's parents house. Of course, they had Chase, so Jeremy had to return back to their home to gather clothes and supplies for their little baby. As Taylor was talking to the family, they received a knock at the door. Revealing a police officer there to tell them Jeremy got into a car accident. They all rushed to the hospital hoping for his safety. Thankfully Jeremy was perfectly fine but as Taylor tried to talk to him he said these words...

"But do I know you?"

An uneasy silence filled the room. Everyone had confused looks on their faces. Taylor eyes widened in confusion, she looked around frantically.

"What's wrong with him?" Taylor asked the doctor. The doctor gave everyone a sad smile.

"He had minor memory loss." He said. "Like I said, he hit his head pretty hard, but don't worry he should regain his memory in 2 months."

"Two months! Two fucking months!" Taylor shouted, glaring at the doctor. "You can't give him any kind of medicine or surgery?"

"Only thing I can give him is time." There's nothing much we can do with memory lost." The doctor said.

Taylor snapped her head towards Jeremy's parents. "Why aren't you guys saying anything?"

"Well, Taylor," Gregory, Jeremy's father, started. "He remembers us. It's just you he doesn't remember."

Taylor stomped over to Jeremy's bed with Chase in her hands. "Chase too! You don't remember your own son?"

Jeremy eyes scrunched up in confusion. "I don't have a son. I don't have any kids! Who are you?"

"I'm Taylor, your girlfriend, you made it official before we went over to your parents house! And this," Taylor said, placing Chase in his hands. "Is your son! Chase Jeremy Greyworth! We live with you in a beautiful house. You don't remember any of that?"

Jeremy sighed, looking down at Chase. "I'm sorry, Taylor is it? But no I do not."

"What about me? Remember me Jeremy?" Megan said pushing past his parents and leaning down to Jeremy's eye level.

Taylor rolled her eyes at Megan. This bitch is in the way.

"No I don't know you either. Are you the new maid or something?" Jeremy asked.

Kevin snickered in the background.

"Are you kidding me? How much fucking memory did you loss?" Megan yelled. "I'm your girlfriend Jeremy!"

"I have two?" Jeremy asked.

"No she's your ex." Taylor snapped. "Don't let her confuse you. I'm your one and only girlfriend."

"Ok enough of this unnecessary conversation. Can we take him home?" Evenly, Jeremy's mother asked the doctor.

"Yes you may. We just need to check him and you're good to go." The doctor said looking through his clipboard. "Also, he will have major head pain mostly migraines and headaches, nothing too serious. No broken bones or anything like that. He can take regular medicine to relieve any pain. Alright, he's ready to go. Make sure you stop at the front desk to check and you're good to go."


"Jeremy I think you should stay here until you're fully recovered." Evenly said worriedly, standing at the opening of her youngest son room watching him pack his belongs.

"As much as I love this family, but no." Jeremy said, awkwardly passing moving Chase off his bed and into Taylor's hands. "I need my space."

"Fine." Evenly said and angrily stomped away.

"Jeremy we've been avoiding this topic all day." Taylor said, placing Chase back down on Jeremy's bed and turning towards him. "I know you've lost your memory but before we were living together, so..."

"Yes, we can continue living together, because eventually, I will gain my memory back and I'm probably gonna hate myself if I kicked you out. It's just gonna be very awkward." Jeremy said, picking up Chase placing him Taylor hands again.

"Why do you keep giving him to me?" Taylor questioned.

"Because you keep placing him on clothes I'm trying to pack."

"Oh." Taylor said, not noticing the clothes before. "It's not that much to pack since you never did get to come back due to the accident."

"I'm done now. Cmon let's go." Jeremy said leading the way out his room.


Taylor sat down awkwardly at the kitchen table looking at Jeremy who was completely ignoring her and typing away on his computer.

"So are you gonna make dinner or something?" Jeremy asked not taking his eyes away from his computer.


"You heard me." Jeremy snapped. Taylor was taken back. What's with this sudden attitude?

"I heard you, but never mind." Taylor said, standing up.

"You are living here with me for free, right?"

"Yes but-"

"And you clearly don't have a job."

"Yeah bu-"

"Well then you should make yourself useful." Jeremy said taking his off the computer to look her in the eyes.

Taylor gulped. "Okay I'll make something."

"Not just anything." Jeremy smirked. "Make my favorite dish."

"But I don't know your favorite dish."

"You're my girlfriend. You should know everything about me."

"We just got together." Taylor said walking towards him.

Jeremy turned in his chair to face Taylor. He took the time to gaze at her, admiring her beauty. "You're so gorgeous. I have some really good taste."

"Um thanks. I guess." Taylor as he stood up and started stalling towards her. She felt his hand grip her shoulder then it lingered down her back to her waist. Taylor pulled herself out of his gold.

"What do you want to eat, Jeremy?" Taylor said clearing her throat.




Pull up pull up can't believe the girls club packed
What's up what's up shawty wanna lead to back
Ain't been here fifteen minutes got a pocket full of digits and she just won't take no

Lol let me stop! But I am back and better!

Y'all better love this shit up!


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