Chapter 2

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Enjoy Ladies and Gentlemen!


Taylor's eyes grew wide. She didn't expect him to act like this after losing his memory. She thought he wasn't even attracted to her.

"Jeremy you need to calm down." Taylor said separating herself from him. "Where's Chase?"

Jeremy groaned and sucked his teeth, sitting back down at the table. "I put him in his room and are you going to finish cooking or not?"

Taylor rolled her eyes and continued cooking. "So, are you going to continue working?"

"Of course not, Taylor. If I go into work and see unfamiliar faces, I'm probably going to end up firing my entire company."

"The doctor said it was going to take a couple of months, so how are you going to pay bills?"

Taylor watched Jeremy stand up and peek at what she was making then make his way over to the refrigerator to grab himself a drink. "I'm the CEO. I get paid regardless."

Taylor nodded. "True."

"The real question is are you working?" Jeremy asked. "I know you're my baby momma and all but you have to chip in on some of these payments as well."

"I totally understand that." Taylor said. "I was working at a diner but I haven't been there in a while, so I don't know if they're going to want me back."

Jeremy smirked. "Well I have an idea."

Taylor looked at him and he walked closer to her. "What?"

"You can be my personal assistant."

Taylor smirked back. "You already have one."

Jeremy frowned. "I'll fire her."

"Jeremy, you can't just go around firing people. Some people depend on their jobs, ya know. Not everybody is born rich and spoiled."

Jeremy playfully hit her arm. "Hey!"

"It's true." Taylor laughed.

"Okay. Then I will just give her another job, but this is beneficial to us."

Taylor kissed her teeth. "How is me being your assistant beneficial to us?"

"If your my personal assistant then you're always around me and since you're my baby momma then I'll allow you to bring Chase with you to work. That way we won't have to find a babysitter."

"That's actually a great idea."

Jeremy smirked. "Thank you and you'll get paid, too."

"Okay, but didn't you just say you wasn't going back to work soon?"

"I changed my mind."

"When do I start?" Taylor asked.



Taylor watched Jeremy through the glass of her new office. He was making copies of something which she found weird. Why didn't he ask her to make the copies? It's been like that all morning. When they first got there he just showed her the office and left her. Didn't ask her for anything the rest of the day. I mean she was his personal assistant and was being paid for it so why wasn't she assisting?

She looked over at a sleeping Chase in his crib next to her desk and smiled. She loved watching him be at peace. She was startled by a knock. She looked up see a smiling Jeremy through her glass door. She signaled him to come in.

"Hey, just checking in on you and Chase." Jeremy said closing the door making the entire office sound proof.

"We're fine." Taylor said,smiling back at him.

"You sure? You guys aren't hungry or anything?"

Taylor was surprised at how caring he was being. "We've only been here for 2 hours. Calm down."

"Just making sure. If you need anything just call over."

"I do need something. Something to do." Taylor said.

"Play on the computer." Jeremy said, pointing at the desktop.

Taylor groaned. "That's what I've been doing. Jeremy I'm bored. Give me some work to do."

"Taylor, not to offend you but you have no experience in this kind of work. So, I don't really trust leaving anything important to you."

Taylor sat back in her chair. "Well why would you hire me if you knew you weren't gonna really need me?"

"Just didn't want to leave you by yourself at home."

Taylor groaned. "Why? It's not like you care about me."

"I may have just found out about you yesterday, but for some reason I do care about you. I may have not known who you were when I first saw you but I knew I cared about you. It's hard to explain honestly just know I care about you and Chase."

"That's sweet, but I'm bored. Seriously Jeremy. Just give me small things that you know I can do."

Jeremy rubbed his arms. "Fine. I'm going to email you a list of people. You need to print the paper out and find all of them."

"Okay that's not too hard."

"And when you find these people I want you to fire them."

Taylor gasped. "Jeremy you know I can't do that!"

"You can and you will. You wanted something to do now do it." Jeremy said smirking while leaving her office.

Taylor signed and watched as an email notification popped up on her computer. She slowly opened the email and her went wide. The first name on the list was...

Antonio Johnson


I took a long time to update bruhh! Sorry!

What ya think?!?!?

Jeremy's Journey (BWWM) ~Interracial~Where stories live. Discover now