Chapter 4

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Enjoy! 😊

"Well look what the cat drag in." Antonio said dryly, before roughly pushing past Taylor.

"Fuck you." Taylor said while taking a step forward towards his direction.

"Fuck you too bitch." He said turning around stopping in front of her.

Taylor came to a halt surprised by his words. Looking up at him, she said, "All the things I've done for you, and you call me out of my name."

Antonio stepped closer. "You disrespected me first. Why are you even here?"

"I work here now." Taylor said, smirking.

Antonio scrunched his face up before his facial expression changed from confused to anger. "Are you the reason why that lil nigga came to tell me I was fired?"

Taylor took a step back. "What? No-"

"You're the boss's baby momma and your following that lil nigga." Antonio chuckled, sarcastically . "All this shit makes since now. You're one evil bitch. You got me fired."

"Honestly, I wish that was the truth." Taylor laughed.

"You think this shit is funny?" Antonio shouted, causing all the employees to be openly nosy.

"Why the fuck you yelling?" Taylor said, trying draw them away from the attention.

"Why the fuck are you even here? Why the fuck am I still standing here." Antonio said, before quickly walking towards the elevator.


Taylor slowly crept towards Jeremy's office door trying to hear the conversation between Antonio and Jeremy.

"What do you want?" Jeremy said bitterly, not wanting to be bothered.

"Sir," Antonio started a little shaky. "While I was trying to finish a project, an intern of yours approached me. He told I was fired and I was just a little confused about th-"

"Wait," Jeremy said, silencing him with a hand. "Who are you?"

"I'm Antonio Deen." He said, hinting that he's an employee. "I've been working here for a good year."

Jeremy walked over to this computer and clicked a few times and glanced up. When he glanced up he noticed Taylor peaking through the door. He smirked and called her name. "Taylor, why are you spying?"

Taylor mentally cursed at herself for being caught. She slowly opened the door and walked in taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of Jeremy's desk. She could feel Antonio's eyes burning a hole through her head. "I didn't want to interrupt anything."

"It's fine." Jeremy said sitting down in his desk, holding Chase who was wide awake now. "We weren't talking about anything important anyway."

Antonio held in his anger. He thought the conversation at hand was very important to him. Losing your job is a very serious topic. "So, sir?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes in annoyance, which both, Taylor and Antonio, saw. "Yes, you're fired."

Antonio took a deep breath in before replying. "I don't understand."

"What's so fucking confusing about it?" Jeremy said, not really wanting to deal with this anymore. Taylor snickered while watching Antonio get heated.

"Karma's a bitch." She thought.

"I am one of the best employees you have at this fucking sorry ass company. If it wasn't for me, this shit would go to trash."

Jeremy chuckled, unamused. "I was doing perfectly fine before you got here. Get out."

"This is your fault!" Antonio screamed, walking up to Taylor. Jeremy quickly put down Chase, stepping in front of Antonio.

"What the fuck are you talking about? She doesn't even know you." Jeremy said, forcefully pushing Antonio away from Taylor.

Antonio laughed. "Doesn't know me? I guess she never told you how much she "doesn't" know me, huh, Taylor?"

"Fuck you!" Taylor snapped at him.

"Fuck you, too, bitch!" Antonio yelled back, trying to reach for Taylor, who was behind Jeremy. Jeremy gave him a rough push sending him to the ground.

"Man, don't fucking touch me nigga!" Antonio screamed, before standing up about to push Jeremy back, but stopped himself.

"Get out." Jeremy said more sternly.

"You know what, fuck you and you and that ugly ass baby." Antonio said, pointing at each one of them.

Jeremy sighed unentertained. "Don't make me have to call security."

And with that Antonio stormed out the office with all eyes on him, slamming the door behind him. Taylor went over to calm a fussy Chase while avoiding eye contact with Jeremy.

"Taylor, how do you know him?"

Taylor took a long breath before replying.

"He's my ex."


I suck at updating. I know. 😞😞😞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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