Chapter 3

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Taylor reread the email multiple times just to make sure it said Antonio's name.

Which it did.

She quickly stood up and rushed over to Jeremy's office. She pushed his door open harshly and slammed it shut. "Jeremy, can't you get someone else to do this?"

Jeremy turned around in his chair with a smirk. "Weren't you just begging me early for something to do? And now I give you something and you don't want to do it? Taylor, when it's your first day you should at least try to do what the boss says."

"I just don't want to fire people. I know what it's liked to be fired." Taylor said, remembering Antonio's Mother firing her. Even though she would love to see Antonio fired and miserable, she didn't want to have to fire the other 12 people on the list.

"Fine, I'll get someone else to do." Jeremy said, standing up and taking the paper out of Taylor's hands. He walked out of his office and eyed everyone. "I don't know any of their names."

Taylor giggled and watch him hand the paper to a young intern then giving him instructions and watched him run off happily to find the names on the paper. "Jeremy, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Jeremy said, walking back into his office.

"Why are you firing people?" Taylor asked.

He signed before sitting down. "I don't really see a need for many of them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for example, most of them hasn't had a project in months. I'm basically just paying them to sit in a cubicle and do nothing."

Curiosity got the best of Taylor and she quickly slipped out the office. "I'll be right back. Make sure you watch Chase."

"Just bring him in here." Jeremy said, stopping Taylor from leaving the office.

She nodded her and quickly walked over to her office and carefully picked up a sleeping Chase. She walked back over to Jeremy and gently handed Chase to him.

"Why is he so small?" Jeremy asked, looking uncomfortable holding him. "I'm scared I might drop him."

Taylor smiled at his cuteness. "You won't drop him. You've held him so many times before. Now I gotta go."

"Where are you going anyway?" Jeremy asked, but didn't get a response because Taylor was already out the door and on the elevator.


Taylor arrived on the 3rd floor and walked around cautiously looking for a certain someone. She quickly found the intern walking very quickly and excitedly. She smirked at his actions and followed behind him. She watched as he went up to a tall black male and tap him on the shoulder. She moved closer trying to hear what was being said.

"Are you Antonio Deen?" The inter asked.

"Yeah that's me." Antonio said, looking the intern over. The intern smiled as brightly as he could and asked Antonio to follow him. Taylor quickly followed after them and they ended up the small copying room. Taylor quietly stood by the door and listen to what was going on.

"Listen, I don't really have time to chat now." Antonio said, growing aggravated by the second.

"Well you'll have plenty of time after I tell you this." The intern said, smirking. Taylor smirked at his response.

"What is it?" Antonio snapped.

"I'm sorry to inform you this, Antonio Taylor, but, the boss, Jeremy Greyworth, is firing you."

There was a moment of silence before Antonio spoke. "Are you serious or are you just fucking with me?"

"Nope I am not messing with you. The boss told me specifically to fire everyone on this paper."

"But, you're a fucking intern. Why the fuck is he letting you do this shit."

The intern sighed. "Please remain from swearing and chose me, because I'm basically the best in here."

"Man, I don't believe you. I'mma go find this shit out for myself and you take your job way too damn seriously." Antonio said, walking towards the door.

"And that's why I still have mine." The Intern said.

Taylor quickly tried to move, but was too late when the door was snatched open and came face to face with Antonio.


I know it's short. Sorry y'all I've been busy.

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