chapter four: smile

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chapter four: smile

Not bothering to check if Draco was following her, Rae started walking back to the tent. She then heard Blaise call out, "Draco! Come check this out!" Okay, then. So she was alone.

She didn't really want to head back to the tent any more because then she would either be stuck with Lucius, which she would not enjoy, or completely alone, which is another thing she wouldn't enjoy. So what could she do?

Rae decided that wandering around until someone worth introducing herself to showed up was the best option. She didn't really have many choices in the first place, anyways.

Soon enough, she saw a family of redheads. It wasn't them who interested her, though, or their bushy haired brunette companion. It was the boy in the back, with messy black hair and startling green eyes, and round glasses. Rae knew exactly who this was. Not because of the vague description just given, but because of the extremely noticeable lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

This was Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the one who defeated her father's master. Little did he know that the Dark Lord was plotting to come back at this very moment.

Rae actually felt kind of bad for him, but not because he led a rather difficult and demanding life. She felt bad that he had a scar right there on his forehead. That's the most unattractive spot you could possibly have a scar. Actually, now that she thought about it, Rae didn't feel bad for him. If he hadn't supposedly "killed" the Dark Lord, her father wouldn't be in Azkaban right now.

Oh well. she thought. He's in for a rough year. Nobody fights the Dark Lord and gets away with it. Not for long.

Now, how was she going to get in his good books? Obviously, if she waited until school, she would be sorted into Slytherin and he would never trust her. She had to do this now.

Rae resolved to just casually bump into him, and "trip" because of that. He was a Gryffindor, he would help her up. They all thought too highly of themselves. "Oh. I'm so good that I'll be selfless forever and only do light magic!" Those fools. Dark magic and selfishness lead to success. If you're focused on only helping others, you'll never get anywhere yourself.

Potter was heading in Rae's direction, talking to the brunette by his side. Rae didn't know who she was, or the redhead family they were with. She'd been shut up in a mansion her entire life. She didn't exactly get to meet many people, except for when she snuck out. But that's a story for another time.

Rae pretended to be looking at her nails, and crash. She bumped into Potter and stumbled, landing on the ground. Perfect.

He thought he was such a saint! "Oh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Here, I'll help you up." Rae was capable of doing that on her own, but for the sake of her plan she let him help her up. Actually, she knew what to do to keep him around.

Rae made a painful expression, and held her wrist. "Ouch, I think my arm's hurt," she said, feigning the injury quite nicely.

Potter's eyes widened and he said, "Here, follow us, we're just about to get to our tent and our friend's father can probably fix up your arm. He's probably learnt how from his wife." As soon as they turned their backs to walk to the tent, Rae let her lips form a huge grin. Potter, you're mine.

In the distance she saw Draco talking nonstop to Blaise. Wow, whatever dragged him away from her must've been really interesting. At least he didn't see her, and who she was with. She'd have to explain her intentions later.

Finally, the redheads stopped in front of two tiny little shabby tents. Wow, these people must be pretty poor.

Everyone went inside and Rae was the last one in. As soon as she came in, a man who must've been the father noticed her. "Who are you?" He looked to his children, Harry, and the brunette. "Friend of yours?"

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