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                Chapter 5

I remember being on the ground helpless and weak. All I could was Margo wording and crying I could here say " say with me Beth!" I felt her touch my wrist checking for a pulse we learned how to do it in class. I tried my hardest to say who did this but all I could say faint and weak "John" before seeing black. I remember waking and seeing everyone around me it took a few minutes to see straight just then I was approached by a detective "sweetie I'm detective Ramirez can you tell me what happened?" " I..I.. I was cleaning when I heard a knock on the door then I saw him he pushed me to the ground, grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the ground many times he just beat me!" I said tears rolling down my cheek. "Okay we'll have a cop outside you're room so he can't come." " NO he'll find me!" I said hesitated "no he won't I promise sweetie ok?" I nodded my wiping my tears my mom then came over and hugged me.

As I layer in bed I thought who was so weak I let that monster hurt me just then I heard John screaming "you little pig!" He said  as walked to my door trying to get in I was told to go and lock my self in the bathroom I curled my knees to my chest rocking back and forth crying. I felt fear just take over my body  then there was a knock on the door " honey it's detective Ramirez can I come in?" I got up and unlocked the door. She came in  hugged me tight I couldn't stop my self from sobbing. " I told you he'd find me !" I said trying to breathe " sweetie it's ok." I nodded my head wiping my tears away as laid down on my bed  There was knock then a man in a nice suit and said "Miss Woodlock I'm Douglas smith I'll be representing mr. Miller in court." He smirked and walked out. I started feeling sick I tried to make it I the bathroom but it was too late I threw up this kept happening over  the past couple of days . The day my period was supposed to come I missed.  I started having a anxiety attack I told detective Ramirez " okay let's go get you a  test," I nodded my head as she  walked out. A few minutes passed when she came back with the pregnancy test she handed me and I went to the restroom. After I was done I looked down and saw it had two lines  so I was pregnant a huge smile came across my face. Just then detective Ramirez came and I showed her she put her hand up to her mouth and hugged me.

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