Chapter 12. The Letter.

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"You scared me. Next time leave a note or wake me up..." He said. I chuckled a little and nodded before apologising.

"So I guess you do not need me anymore, Lord Snow", I heard ser Davos. I kind of thought it was sweet that he was that worried to be honest.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you anyway." Jon said taking my hand and making me walk with him. Apparently, he was not going to let me go anytime soon now.

We spent the last hour talking about the roads we should take and which we should not. Ser Davos told us about the houses we were going to visit these days. He wanted to come with us but with his new duties he could not just abandon Castle Black at the moment. It was ok but we could have used some extra help from someone good with words. Once we finished talking to him we decided it was time to pack since we were going to leave after having breakfast. Jon told me Sansa was gathering some food for the road so I did not have to worry about it.

I did not have much belonging to take with me. Just my cloak actually but Jon did have some more stuff to take. Like some clothes, his sword and some more weapons that could come handy given the moment.

We finished just when Sansa came to tell us that food was ready and breakfast was about to be served so the three of us headed towards the canteen. I was actually excited about eating the apple pie and also to know what the rest of the Night's Watch thought of my creation. We went all together to the canteen and went to take our food before looking for some seats.

Sansa went straight to a table where Tormund and a blond woman were. A woman here? I had never seen here before. I frowned but sat down next to Jon.

"Hello, I am Brienne. I came with Lady Sansa." She said straight away the moment I sat down.

"Oh...I am Jeyne, nice to meet you", I replied.

She looked like a tough woman. She was big and her hair was short, giving her an almost scary appearance. She was wearing an armour which did not give her a female look exactly. But she looked like she was a good person somehow. We all started eating silently our food. The pie looked delicious to be honest, and I could not wait for everyone to taste it.

I looked up to see Tormund looking at Brienne which honestly almost made me laugh out loud. He looked at her like she was some kind of meat. I know it should not be funny but somehow it was. Brienne probably was aware of the wildling's looks since she looked quite uncomfortable with that. It was a funny scene to be honest. When I looked around I found Ed's look who obviously had also seen the picture in front of us. We both tried not to laugh and looked down at our food.

"Sorry about the food..." Ed apologised looking at Sansa "We are not known for it."

"Do not worry, there are more important things." Sansa said smiling a little. I never thought I would hear this girl saying such a thing. I had always seen her like a spoiled girl but it was clear that all the things she had gone through had changed her.

Just then a man approached us with a letter on his hand. He just stood there awkwardly, looking at Jon. I elbowed him and signalled him to look up.

"A letter for you, Lord Snow." He said. We all looked at the man and then at Jon as he took the letter.

The man left and I looked at the stamp used to close the letter. I gulped as I recognised the Boltons' symbol. I looked up at Jon but he was just frowning as he opened it. I looked around to see that everyone at the table was looking at Jon, waiting for him to read it out loud. He cleared his throat and started reading.

"To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow, you have allowed thousands of wildlings pass the Wall. You have betrayed your own kind, you have betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard, come and see. Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon..." he stopped and looked up at Sansa. What? Rickon? He took a deep breath and kept on reading. "...his direwolf skin is on my floor, come and see. I want my bride back. Send her to me, bastard, and I will not trouble you or your wildling lovers. Keep her from me and I will ride North and slaughter every wildling man, woman and baby living under your protection. You will watch as I skin them..." He suddenly stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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