Remember the days where a black male couldn't marry a white female or the other way around? What about the time where the African/Americans had to be separated from the Caucasians? How about when women couldn't vote? Even though that has been all sorted, there is always going to be another problem in the world that should be so freaking simple to solve.
Like right now, there are going on about gay marriages and how it's not "normal" and it's not in the Bible. I know for a fact that the Bible says nothing about God being against gays, the people who are against gays are probably overly christian or are just not ready to see gays around. I mean that's fine if your not ready to see the world being gay but being parents that are overly christian are almost forcing their children to think that being "gay" means that the devil has got to them or it's unnatural.
You know the saying that it's bad luck to see the bride before a wedding? Well that was created because back in the old days they had arranged marriages and the groom couldn't see the bride in case he didn't like what the bride looked like and ran out of the chapel. The bride had no freedom at all nor did the groom unless he was old and a pedophile and they still do forced/arranged marriages to this day. (I actually looked this up!)
And freedom of speech? Yeah, I'm sure they have it in America but in Australia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, and Sweden don't have anything freedom of speech at all and that's pretty stupid. The only freedom they have is either posting a YouTube video or a Facebook status. Why don't the mayors or prime ministers like to us? Because they don't want to, they think for them and never think of the future society which are the upcoming teenagers. (Am I wrong to think that?)
I've heard that in some countries, people can go to jail for being gay and sometimes they are sentenced to death. JUST FOR LIKING THE SAME SEX! Killing someone because they are in love, now that is unnatural and you wouldn't want someone to die, would you? Those people who kill people for that have the devil in them, that's my opinion.
You may think this entry is pretty stupid, but what if your kid, brother/sister, best friend, family member or anybody was gay? Would you think it's wrong and tell them to pray the gay away or kick them out and tell them it's unnatural. I know this is mainly about gay but they are so many people who don't feel that freedom anymore and I honestly don't think you would want your kid to be afraid of being gay.
I say we should let people like who they like because in the future the world would be totally stuffed if we didn't solve this now. I say to hell with the anti-gays and go kiss the people you love even if they are the same sex. Don't let the grumpy old bastards control your life even if they are your parents, if they don't love you for who you are just leave them and let them suffer losing their child.
So, I guess this is it and I hope it helps with your point of view of this and the problems in the world? I don't know I just needed to write this, if it doesn't make sense then I'm sorry I tried by best. Oh and if you happen to love the gay guys so much and you go on YouTube a lot, go watch Lush or GayGod. There should be two guys called Matthew and Nick on the Lush/GayGod channel and they're are so inspirational (I'll try and post the link next to this). BYE WHOEVER READ THIS!
Rant book.
SonstigesI rant on this book about all the problems in the world and how stupid it is.