Chapter Three; Shattered Panic And Realization

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I screamed so loud that glass would have broke if there had been any around, but a hand quickly covered my mouth and laid me back down next to Luke. It was Jace.

Somehow Jace was important. I don't know why or how. However, he was special. I needed him, and he needed me.

"SKY! What happened?" Jace asked worried.

"You and I, we're important somehow. This is about us. The guys, they are just obstacles for them. They need US," I rambled on forever.

Jace just looked like he knew everything. He nodded. "I dreamed of you too once. Before I even met you. Tell me what happened."

He looked afraid. I stared straight into his dark green eyes.

"Everyone was handcuffed in a circle around a pole. My family and friends, but you and I were missing. We were in a small room. Some man came in and killed us with needles. You... you tried to protect me," I stated awkwardly. "I don't understand. What's so special about us?"

He ran his fingers through his light brown hair. "I don't know yet. You told me your family was your mom, little sister Ari, and best friend Riley. If you don't mind telling me, where's your dad?"

"He left when I was around two."

"When were you born?"

"October twenty seventh, thirty twenty seven."

"Well, then apparently we have the same birthday."

"How does that make us important?"

"I'm not quite sure yet. Do you know the exact date your dad left?"

"October twenty sixth, thirty twenty nine."

"That's when my dad left."

"Why us? What's so wrong with us that made our parents leave?" I was on the verge of tears. "What did I ever do?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with us. You didn't do anything wrong."

A tear slipped down my cheek. Jace wiped it away. As I cried into his chest, I gripped his shirt like it was my only chance at survival. Jace comforted me while I cried more.

Just then I heard Luke speak from behind me. "What's going on?" I jumped and shivered.

Jace slowly stood as he spoke, "She had another nightmare."

Luke's expression shifted from confusion to one of concern. He walked over to me and held me in his arms. He kissed my forehead and rocked me back and forth.

It was oddly relaxing. As I cried, I tried to figure out why Jace and I were so important.

I tried to interpret the dream for myself before I told the rest of the guys. I eventually told them and added what I thought everything meant. I told them everything.

I knew I couldn't cry, so I didn't. When I showed the guys that I was okay, they realized they needed to take me seriously and that it was important.

That night, when we made the fire, I just stared at it. I watched it move, and I watched the bright colors dance.

What felt like a few minutes, was probably an hour that had went by. I looked around to see everyone asleep except Jace.

"Do you even sleep?"

"Who's to say? You're all asleep whenever you should be watching me," he commented smirking like he had just got out of the kitchen with a stolen cookie. That sly smile of his.

I walked over to him. "So... were your nightmares like mine by the way?" I asked wearily.

"Not exactly the same... they were from my point of view."

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