Chapter Eight; White Ceiling Greets My Insanity

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I stared at a plain white ceiling. Where was I? I had no idea. I shifted my position to where I was laying on my right side. I faced the left wall. There was my old black dresser. The wall was plain white. I realized that I was in an actual bed. A full sized bed. I looked down to see the green blanket that my grandmother had made for me. I was blinded from a bright light coming from outside a window. I concluded that I was in my old room.

I noticed a pair of feet laying on my bed. Their legs lead over the edge of the mattress. Willow was on the floor just beneath my bed. I got up into a sitting position.

I noticed Nick asleep in a bean bag chair that I didn't recognize. It was black and it was stitched with words. The arm that you placed the right arm on said 'For Sky,' and the left arm said 'Love Nick.' I assumed it was a present for some form of holiday.

Luke was sprawled across my ugly red orange carpet with his mouth open. How attractive. He rolled onto his side, and I jumped a little.

Riley was propped up in the corner. Her right hand laid on her lap, and her left laid on a stool.

I attempted to stand. I had to jump from the bed to avoid stepping on Willow. When I got up, I noticed Jace. Apparently, not everyone was still asleep. He was staring at some photos I had taken. I felt like I had taken them, but I didn't remember taking most of them. I glanced at each photo.

My mind was filled with memories from a life that I never lived. First day of school, I met Nick. He then introduced me to Angie. Eventually, Riley and I became friends like before. I met Willow on my own, and she showed me James. Luke was the class clown, and we all slowly befriended him. I met Jace about a month into kindergarten. We all started hanging out more and more.

Cookouts, barbecues, field trips. I specifically remembered a trip to the lake that we all took together.

Soft splashing, eating, games. Just all around fun. I saw violent splashing and little white bubbles. I heard screams and cries for help. Angie had drown. There was really no reality where we could avoid her death. Tears. I saw so many tears.

I saw things like my first day at the middle school. Random flashes of all of us hanging out.

I saw a flash of something I never thought I would see. My first kiss, but it was not mine. It was a kiss that I shared with someone I would have never thought of kissing. I saw myself.

I was wearing a Letterman jacket, jeans, and black converse. My favorite camera- a digital Nikon- was hanging from my neck. My hair was springy and curly. I hated my hair like that, but it actually looked pretty good.

The boy had light brown hair that was placed just right. He was wearing a black tee shirt, dark jeans, and red converse. He was much taller then me, so I was on my toes while he leaned down.

Both of our eyes were closed. My eyes were tilted away from view, so you saw my neck, and you saw his hair. My left hand was on the back of his neck, and my right was placed on his chest, just over his heart. My hand clutched his shirt between my fingers. His hands were each placed on the sides of my waist. It was Nick and I.

I could feel the intensity of our kiss. Deep down, the part of me being flooded with this memory that was still the girl that met him in the woods, knew he was supposed to be with Willow. The me that I was supposed to be just said to kiss him harder. I didn't know what to think.

'What about Wick?' the girl from the woods thought.

The girl I was supposed to see just thought, 'Oh yes I remember that. So sweet.'

I was filled with memories of parties, and being popular in school. Nick and I were voted cutest couple. I was about to punch myself in the face when James walked in.

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