Chapter Four; Hobbies Crashed By A Hundred And Seven

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When I woke up the next morning, we had more fish. The only problem was that I hated fish. I just ate it anyway. It wasn't the easiest thing, but I managed. I never really liked the taste of anything that breathed water.

I was getting bored, so I decided to write. I decided to write a book about our situation. Like a diary no one knew was about me. I started writing. The next time I looked up, it was already about noon. It felt like only an hour or so had passed.

"Well, that went fast," I stated from the rock I sat against.

"FOR YOU!" Nick shouted.

All the guys were sprawled out on the ground. James moaned in boredom.

I laughed. "You guys need a hobby out here."

"Like what?" Luke asked.

"Well, you could write. You could take photos. You could go skating," I suggested. "Well, if you were my shoe size."

"I'll try on the skates!" Luke shouted excitedly.

"I guess I could try writing," James mumbled.

"Photography," Nick called.

I smiled at what I had just made.

After I got Luke into the skates, I gave Nick a tutorial on taking photographs. The first picture he took was a picture of Luke attempting to stand on my skates.

"Your feet are too small," Luke complained.

"You won't stop moving," Nick ordered Luke to stand still.

"I'm gonna FALL!" Luke yelled before landing on his face.

We got photos of Luke about to fall, falling, and on the ground. I showed Nick how to photoshop and walked towards Luke.

"Spread your weight. Bend your knees. Lean forward. Good! Now which hand do you use?" I asked him.

"RIGHT! RIGHT!" he shouted at me.

I laughed. "Let me switch the break."

I leaned down and switched the break to his left foot. I was left handed, so it was originally on the right side.

"Now bring your left foot forward. Now just walk, but keep your feet on the ground the whole time."

He started moving. It was a slow and unbalanced movement.

"I'm GOING to FALL!" he just kept shouting.

"Kick off. Lean on the foot that IS moving. The foot that is on the ground!"

Nick snapped a few more photos. Once the two had gotten a handle on things, I walked over to James.

"What are you gonna write about?" I asked him.

"I'm not quite sure yet."

I handed him a notebook full of dialogue prompts. "Hopefully this will help you get some ideas."

"Awesome," James commented smiling down at the notebook.

I walked over to Jace, who sat on a log near the fire pit. "You know there's one other thing to do around here."

"What's that?" he asked with a smile.

I started rummaging through the guy's supplies. I knew I had seen what I was looking for in there somewhere.

"FOUND IT!" I yelled in delight.

It was an old portable radio. The antenna was missing. I stabbed a fork into the hole where the missing antenna would normally lie. Being broke and ghetto as a child always paid off.

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