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Hello everybody! This is my first Il Volo Imagine on wattpad, and I hope you'll like it. 

But first of all, I would like to tell you some things about the story.

1. English is not my mother language. I speak Greek, but my English are good enough. If I wrote the story in Greek, a very few people would understand, so I will post every part in English.

2. I actually had written this story on June 2015, and I was posting every part on Facebook, on the Greek Team of Il Volo. I wanted to translate it, and put it on wattpad, so many other people would read it.

3. I hope you will enjoy every line of the story! If you don't understand something, just message me! I will be there 24/7! And don't forget to vote or comment on the end of each part!

Take care! xx

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