Where The Rain Ends

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Fennie walked towards where the rain seemed to be thinning out. She still couldn't see anything else than the water pouring down around her. The black pony followed her obediently even though Duxy seemed to get more and more nervous the closer they got to the dry area. Was there something dangerous there? They couldn't have strayed from the path too much, could they have?

Fennie hoped they were simply walking over one of the vast fields surrounding the road and not in the forrest. She was starting to lose controll of her freezing limbs and it got harder for her to try to get forwards in the ever rising water. She tried to wrap the jacket tighter around her but it didn't help much.

When she finally reached the drier area an overwhelimg light surrounded her and Duxy. No sound could be heard and everything was completely white.

Suddenly a dark voice was heard:
"Welcome back home, my angel. Don't be afraid, I will take care of you." A beautiful young man walked towards Fennie. She knew she loved him and that she had known him before. He extended his hand to her and she took it. She felt peaceful and like she had finally found her way back home again.

"Fennie! Where are you?" Screams were heard all around the woods but no one could find the young girl or the black pony. Fennie's mother had come home after the rain had faded down and saw everything was completely drenched. She had first gone to her mother to get Fennie but had found out that Fennie never had come. They immediately put up a search party and the entire village helped them.

They had searched the entire woods and Fennie's mother was starting to give up when she suddenly came out of the woods and saw the cliff. Her heart dropped immediately as a horrible thought came across her mind. She slowly walked towards the cliff and looked down into the crashing waters and sharp stones.

There, even though it was quite far away, she saw Fennie's jacket and Duxy's bridle.

She fell down on the ground, starting to sob. The villagers found her and figured out what had happened. Fennie's grandma wrapped her arms around her sobbing daughter in an attempt to comfort her.

"I pray to Perior. Keep my angle safe. I guess she was a real angel after all, and I only got to lend her for a short while." She cried waterfalls between every word.

"We all pray to Perior. I'm sure he'll be able to keep her safe. If he can't, then no one can." Fennie's grandma said.

Fennie, the angel, looked down on her mother and felt sorry for her.

This was not the way she wanted her mother to find out but Perior had dictated it. She would have wanted to spend more time with the lovely woman.

A hand was gently placed on her shoulder and she nodded. She stepped away from the window taking his hand.

Every time Fennie's mother saw rain she searched for the place where the rain faded away. She felt like she was able to feel her daughter's presence there, where the rain ends.

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