Chapter 3

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[Bellamy & Clarke Conversation]


Bellamy: I'm sorry Clarke...

Bellamy: Come on Clarke, I feel really bad and I can't sleep😩

Bellamy: Clarke???

Clarke: Not my fault...

Bellamy: It's not ur fault?

Clarke: That you can't sleep! Now goodnight!

Bellamy: Wait Clarke! I wanted to say I was sorry.

Clarke: ......

Bellamy: I'm sorry that I blamed everything on you.

Clarke: Honestly, I don't even know what to say to you Bellamy.

Bellamy: Clarke, I'm really sorry.

Clarke: Goodnight Bellamy.

Bellamy: Clarke

[Goggle Squad Conversation]


Monty: Good morning!!!

Jasper: Hey bud!😜

Monty: I guess we're the only ones up...

Jasper: My mommy thinks I should wake up before 7 bc I'll miss the bus😶

Monty: I know dude, we live right next to each other! We are talking to each other from our windows...

Jasper: Haha ya, I think I ate too many hallucinogen nuts😂😂

Monty: They make you act like your high!😂😂😂😂😂

Raven: Hey boys😎

Jasper: Heyyy😉

Raven: Hey brb it's almost 7 and I need to get ready.

Jasper: Ok the bus is here I'll see you guys at school🙂

Monty: Dude you need to get a car!

Jasper: I KNOW!

Octavia: Hi everyone!

Monty: Hey Octavia, how you talked to Bellamy lately?

Octavia: Ya, I just gave him his breakfast, he was in his room, on his phone...

Finn: He's probably just watching the conversation, seeing if I'm talking about Clarkey😏

Murphy: Or talking to Clarke...

Finn: Too bad she's never going to talk to him again...😂

Octavia: He's leaving right now!

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