Chapter 6

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Carley P.O.V.

My parents walked into the room and my mom shouted in joy," I'm so glad your okay princess!!" I smile as my mom gives me a kiss on my forehead. She had balloon that said 'Get well soon' and about 5 cards from family members saying that too.

I look around the hospital room and think, should I tell them? I mean, my aunt got pregnant at 18 and my mom didn't care. But I think it would be different with me, her daughter. My mind was telling me to tell them, but my mouth couldn't produce the words. "MOM IM PREGNANT!" I screamed. She looked at me with concern. It looked like she couldn't even say a word.

She said,"What are you talking about? There's no way a baby could survive an appendix bursting."

"Well mine did. The doctor said."

She started crying and ran out of the room into my brothers arms. My dad had a blank expression on his face and said," I'm very disappointed in you. But I'll support you every step of the way Carley Ann Evans." I start to cry and say,"Thank you daddy. I love you."

Michelle (Carley's Mom) P.O.V

What did she just tell me? I ran out of the room just because I didn't want her to see my cry. So I ran out of the room into Chance's arms and started to sob. He looked at me and said,"ya found out?" I nod my head yes and hung my head down. "she doesn't know how hard this is gonna be for her," I tell Chance. I walk back into the room to discuss things with Carley.

Carley's P.O.V

She walked back into the room and I have no idea what to tell her. "How did this happen?" she asked. "Lynsi and I were drunk. Mark was at the party we were at. We had sex in a room, and apparently the condom broke." I explained. Lynsi was sitting in the corner and my mom glared at her. She kinda covered her face so they "couldn't see her." "Like I said, we'll support you baby girl," my dad said.

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