Chapter 11

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I feel utter relief shock through my body. Tears of happiness start rolling down my face. I was gonna have a son or daughter. Dr. Bell smiled at me, filled out my paper work, then we payed and left. I leaned back the passenger seat and took a nap on the way home.

As we pull into the drive way I get a text from Mark saying

' I'm picking you up for school tomorrow. No buts about it. We have to talk.'

I though we already talked? oh well. It's 2:45 and I'm starving. I go into the kitchen and eat about 5 pickles and almost a while bag of Doritos. Oh gosh, I'm already starting to crave food? I'm gonna get fat.. yay!


Sorry this chapter is so short. I ran out of ideas. but the next chapter is gonna be AWESOME ! Please vote and comment what you think ! xoxoxo


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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