Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Mitch Grassi. I am 17. I have short brown hair and light brown eyes. I love animals and I have a Sphynx cat called Wyatt Blue Grassi . I don't see my parents a lot, but they are really nice and I love them to bits, though they don't know my biggest secret.

I have a bully. Two actually, well mainly one. His name is Scott Hoying. His best friend's name is Avi, Avi Kaplan.

No one knows he bullies me except my cousin Kevin. The only problem is, he doesn't go to my school.

God, I hate school so much!

But enough about me, I am ugly and fat anyway - at least that's what Scott says - on with the story!

Mitch's Point Of View....

"Please stop," I say weakly as Scott punches me in the face yet again.

Avi snickered loudly behind him. Curse him. Curse them both. Why are they always so mean to me?  I never ever did anything to them and yet here I am, cuts all over me, blood trickling from my face and palms and tears streaming down from my eyes.

I hate him. He made my life hell! How could he?! I never did anything!

It all started when I was 16. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking home from school. I had my headphones in and I was humming quietly to the music when I had my headphones ripped out of my ears and thrown into a puddle. I saw Scott, someone that - back then - I had never seen before, screaming at me.

His fist rose and sped towards me, and I am pretty sure I fainted after that. I have been bullied by him and Avi ever since.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a painful kick to my stomach, making me fall against the brick wall of my school building and sink down into a deep crouch.

"Ugly! Worthless! Stupid! Fat! Pathetic excuse for a human being!" I heard Scott scream. At that my eyes started to water. But I refused to cry. I will not show emotional weakness. I show enough physical weakness already.

"Why...why do you do this to me?" I asked through pain. I could have sworn I saw Scott's eyes soften for just a second, before they returned to their usual cold and he sneered.

"Why?" he asked mockingly, "because you are a pathetic loser that's why!" at that he kicked my shin and I groaned out in pain.

I saw Avi say something to Scott. I saw a blurry Scott shake his head angrily and they both left.

I started to fall asleep against the wall, drifting in and out of consciousness, I started to wonder if this was all worth it, if living is all it was cracked up to be, if having to put up with this is really worth the pain, the suffering, and the heartache. Then everything went black.


Hello everyone! So, this is my new story! I will try to update once a week, probably on Thursdays or on the weekend. I hope you enjoy this story and, as you may have noticed, I deleted my other book because I just wasn't happy with it. I hope this one will be a lot better! I am not going to have an Authors note at the end of every chapter like my last book, just when I feel I must say something. Thank you for taking the time to read this far, stay happy!


Bullied By Scott HoyingWhere stories live. Discover now