Glowing Letters & Fixing Lights

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~Mark POV~

I was sitting in the park, my legs crossed, watching the sun set on the horizon. Children played, parents gossiped and dogs barked in the distance. No one came up to me, and why should they, I'm invisible. I watch as the last lights of the day dance around, pinks, oranges and reds mingling together. I reach out and grab a few of the rays, picking them up and playing with them in my hands. A couple of little kids notice the light moving in strange ways as it falls through my hands, and run over to investigate. A redheaded girl tilts her head and shoots a questioning look to her brother. The brown haired boy reaches forward, his green eyes full of curiosity.

He pokes the light as it flows from one of my hands to the other, unable to hold it like it I can. I smile at their curiosity and absolute amazement as I continue to play with the light, making it do a bunch of abnormal things. I'd have to stop if any parents came around of course. They'd probably freak out and report it as paranormal activity. The red headed girl takes a seat in front of me, her brown eyes full of wonder. She grabs her brother's hand and pulls him down next to her. I take the pencil I have from behind my ear and write with glowing words made of light. Their eyes widen as they see the words appear in the air. I write small and fast, because the words slowly disappear after they're written.

I keep it simple at first. "Hi."

They stare in amazement and the girl responds. "Hello." The boy simply gives me a small wave.

"What're your names?" I ask.

The girl speaks up again. "I'm Emily. And this is my brother. His name is James."

"I'm Mark." I write.

"Hey Mark." She grins. Her brother just watches us converse back and forth.

"How old are you little guys?"

"I'm 6." Emily says proudly. "James is 5." I nod, but realize they can't see me. "How old are you?" Emily asks before I could write anything. I laugh.

"Me? I'm 27, as of a few days ago."

"You're old!!" Emily giggles. I laugh along with her. I draw a smiley face in the air.

"James!! Emily!!" I hear a female voice call.

"We're here mama!" Emily yells back.

I turn to see a woman walking over to where the 3 of us sat. "Come on, we got to go." The woman explains.

"But mom," Emily complains. "We were talking to Mark."

The woman looks around. "Who's Mark?"

"He just turned 27 a couple days ago, and he was talking to us by writing words in the air. He's invisible, mom. Isn't that so cool?"

The woman smiled, going along with her child's 'make believe'. "Well that's very nice dear, but we need to go. It's getting dark and your father will be getting home soon."

"But mama," Emily whined again. "I wanna stay and talk with Mark." The woman sighed.

"You can talk with him later." She said firmly.

"Fine." Emily rolled her eyes and stood to her feet. "Bye Mark."

I didn't write anything in response, but only because her mother was still looking. Her mother grabbed James' hand and started to drag him away from where I sat. "Come on Emily."

She turned her back and began to walk away so I quickly wrote. "Bye Emily." She gasped and smiled, waving goodbye. "I'll bring you a cupcake for your birthday when we come back tomorrow." She promised.

"Thank you. I'll be right here. Now go on, before you get in trouble." I said, gently pushing her. She looked surprised and I smile. "Go on." I wrote. "I'll be waiting for you." With one last smile she ran and caught up with her mother.

I placed the pencil behind my ear, the light I was playing with earlier all used up from talking to the kids. I opened the backpack and looked to see how much light I had left inside. It was ¾ full, so I should be fine. I left the park, rezipping my bag and running my fingers through my red hair. It wasn't red like Emily's, hers was naturally that way, while I had dyed mine a few months ago. I walked down the sidewalk, only to stopped by a flickering streetlight.

I unfold my wings to fly up and take a closer look. I usually keep my wings tucked behind my back, out of sight, but it's not like anyone could see them anyway. I'm like an angel, but not really, my job is simply to make sure their is light where light is needed. I "steal" the light I use, whether to talk to little kids or fix things, from the sun, taking the rays and storing them in my backpack until I need it later. The pencil I have is white, with a golden tip and that's what I use to do my job. It was getting dark, just like Emily's mom had said. I wasn't particularly a fan of the dark.

There was always a constant battle between light and darkness. Each fights for the opportunity to be present in the world. In the winter months darkness is more common, it coming early in the evening and staying late in the morning. The light gets annoyed by it, seeing all the dreariness and depressing the darkness causes and fights back. It slowly gets lighter for longer and there you have it, summer. All the joy and happiness annoys the darkness and they start to fight, causing winter. It's an ongoing battle that will never end.

So I flew up to this flickering street light, perching on a tree branch near by. I folded my wings for safe keeping and pulled out my little white pencil. I began tracing the outline of bulb, before going in later to add details. A voice jerked me out of focus, breaking my concentration.

"Uh.. Excuse me?" I heard the female voice says, it's sound ringing out into the night. I ignored it at first. She couldn't be talking to me, could she? "Um.. Sir." I rolled my eyes and finally looked up to see who she was talking to. She was staring right at me. "Yeah, you. In the tree." My jaw dropped slightly. "What are you doing?"

"I- uh -I'm fixing the street light." I stutter out, not used to explaining my actions to others.

She looked at me unimpressed. "With a pencil?"

"Well, um, not just any pencil, it's -uh it's my pencil." I explained rather shakily.

"I see." She said, still disapproving.

I sigh. "Let me show you." She crossed her arms and watched as I finished with details and finally coloring in the light bulb drawing. I watch the bulb glow and press it through the glass, arranging it so it's just right. I admire it and dust off my hands, turning to look at the girl. I smile as she stares, shocked at what I had just done. I returned my pencil to where it usually sits and flew down in front of her.

"So miss, do you believe me now?"

She only nods, speechless at my actions. I press on. "What's your name?" I ask, gaining confidence now that I was the one asking questions.

"Y/n." She says back, still distracted by the now glowing streetlight.

"Mark." I say, extending my hand. We shake and she finally manages to tear her gaze away to look at me.

"Well," I say, taking back my hand and rubbing them together. "If you need me, I'll be at the park eating a cupcake for my 27th birthday, even though it was a couple days ago. Oh, and I'd report that streetlight too. It won't last very long." So I turned and walked away, leaving Y/n speechless as I fluttered my wings, disappearing into the darkness.

Author's Note

What's up guys, welcome to The Luminosity of Love. Thank you Caitlin for the idea, because it's awesome and I'm already enjoying this story. (*bows* you're welcome -C) *throws roses* Bravo! Bravo! (XD -C) XD Anywho, hope you guys like this story, which will be updated every Monday and Thursday. We hope you guys liked this chapter, and we will seE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!

Peace! -A
All in all, Buh-Bye! -C

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