Welcome Home

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~Mark POV~

I lean against a nearby tree as I wait for Emily and James again. This had become a regular thing for us, and I was always disappointed on the days they couldn't make it. I played with the setting sun's light, a smile lighting up my face as they came running over to me, as fast as their little legs could carry them. They plop down in front of me, panting as they lay spread out on their backs. I laugh as I pull out my pencil and write to them.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey, Mark." James squeaked out. He was a bit more talkative now that he had gotten used to me, but no where near as much as his sister.

"Hi." Emily panted. I smiled. "You wanna come play with us?"

I didn't say anything at first. I considered it, but then figured it would be alright. "Sure. Let's go."

She smiled and jumped to her feet, James rising as well. They raced over to the playground and I walked on behind them, smiling at their endless energy. Emily was on a swing already but James had stopped half way, looking around. I pause and kneel next to him, writing. "What's up buddy?" he smiled.

"I was just waiting on you." he reached up like he wanted to grab my hand, and I gently took it. He smiled and we walked over to the swings. I helped him get up into one of them and gave him a push.

"There you go, you got it." I write.

"Hey!" Emily complains. "Aren't you gonna help me?" I laugh and push her a bit too.

All too soon I hear their mother's voice call out. "James! Emily!" Emily sighs and stops her swing. I help James off his and he looks up at me.

"I don't wanna go home Mark." he whines to me.

"I know bud." I sympathize with him. "I don't want you to go either."

Emily smiles. "Why don't you come with us?" she suggests. I freeze, withdrawing my hand from James'.

"Mark?" he questions.

"I don't know guys..."

"Please!" Emily begs.

"Emily!! James!!" their mother storms over. "I said, we need to go."

"I know mama, but we're trying to convince Mark to come home with us." Emily protests.

"Can he please come home with us?" James pleads

She sighs, obviously fed up with all this 'Mark' nonsense, but is willing to just about anything to get her kids home. "Of course he can sweetie, but-" Emily cuts her off.

"See, Mark? Will you please?" Unable to write a response, I simply grab James hand again. James looks at his sister and nods, by now the two of them understand the secrecy I must follow.

"Ok, let's go." Emily says, skipping away. James runs after her, pulling me along and their mother chases behind.

They pull me in their car and I stuff myself in the back, holding James' hand as a reassurance that I'm still there. "Alright kids." their mother says once we get inside their house. "Go upstairs while I make dinner."

"Let's go Mark!" James yells, dragging me up the stairs, the two kids not seeing their mother roll her eyes at my name.

I'm pulled into the room they share, seeing a bunk bed in the corner.

"Do you like it Mark?" Emily asks. I sit down on the floor, crossing my legs as I do so.

"Very much." I write. Hey, wanna see something really cool?"

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