Cupcakes and Roses

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~Mark POV~

I sat back, holding myself upright with my hands. The glowing sun warmed my face, making me smile as I grabbed a strand of light, the glowing ray of sunshine dancing around my fingertips as I began to play with it. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see two little children scampering over, the older one holding something in her small hands. Smiling, I sat up more, turning my head to see Emily and James running towards me. They eventually stopped, laughing as they gasped for air. "Mark?" Emily asked. "We brought you a cupcake."

I pulled out my pencil and wrote, "Thank you, you can just set it down for now."

Emily and James grinned, the small girl gently setting the cupcake on the ground. Smiling, I then picked up the cupcake and took a bite, laughing when Emily and James' jaws dropped. "Woah!" they mused, astounded by the floating half-eaten cupcake.

Setting it down, I picked up my pencil. "That was really good, thank you. :)"

They giggled as the bounced up and down, obviously excited. "You're welcome, Mommy made them herself," James squeaked, which was the first time Mark had ever heard him speak.

"Well you can tell her she makes really good cupcakes," Mark wrote as he finished off the treat.

"Emily! James! It's time to go home!" their mother called.

The two children whined, wanting to stay longer. "Mom," Emily complained, "I wanna stay and talk with Mark."

The woman smiled, taking her children's hands in hers. "I'm sure Mark will be here tomorrow, but we need to get home before Daddy gets back."

Emily nodded sadly, looking in Mark's direction for any new messages. While her mother wasn't looking, Mark quickly wrote, "Bye Emily, I'll see you tomorrow."

She grinned, turning to skip away next to her mother. Sighing, I looked back at the setting sun, grabbing a few more strands of light and placing them in my backpack. As the sun continued to set, I picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder and stood up, walking back to the streetlamp I had fixed the night before. It seemed fine, but I sat on a nearby bench, waiting for the sun to set completely so I could double check.

"How'd I know you would be here?"

Smiling, I scooted over on the bench, allowing Y/n to sit next to me. I simply shrugged. "Luck I guess, I didn't see you at the park today."

She sighed and rolled her eyes, slouching in place. "I got tangled up with work, they needed me an extra shift."

Nodding, I pulled out my pencil, beginning to doodle in the air. Y/n watched silently as I drew petals and a stem, growling when I couldn't figure out how to shape a petal. Finally I finished, handing the glowing rose to her. "Thank you," she smiled, "what's the occasion?"

I shrugged. "I'm in a good mood, and I've met someone who can actually see me."

Her eyes widen and she looks up at me. "What do you mean 'someone who can actually see you?'"

I laughed, turning so I could fully face her. "Exactly what it sounds like. Nobody can see me, except for you for some reason."

She nodded, lowering her head as she gingerly ran her fingers over the edges of the petals. I watched her in silence, smiling at the way her hair fell perfectly in her face. Gently, I reached forward and pushed her hair out of her face, allowing me to see her beautiful eyes. She looked up at me, a soft pink glow spreading across her face. "I-I... I should go," she whispered, slowly standing up.

My smiled fell from my face and I nodded, looking at the ground. "I'll meet you here tomorrow, is that okay?"

I looked up at her, the smile returning to my face. "Yeah, yeah that'd be great."

She giggled quietly. "Well in that case, I'll see you tomorrow Mark."

Grinning, I nodded excitedly. "Yeah, see ya."

She giggled again before turning and walking away, leaving me at the bench as my heart pounded in my chest. "Oh wow," I mumbled, "she's amazing."

Author's Note

Markimoo's got a little crush... XD and he got his cupcake from Emily and James!! For some reason I imagined it to have red icing. (I was thinking of pink, like the one from Five Nights At Freddy's -A) XD Oh well. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter AND WE WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES... In the next video!!

All in all, Buh-Bye!! -C
Peace! -A

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