Chapter 4

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Life had to go on despite the hatred. With all the comments saying to just give up on her, I was on the edge of giving up.I thought God was playing a trick on me. On that night, the news broadcasted something fateful. They even said to cherish people around you. Thus, I did not give up then.

PSLE was just tomorrow... I could not believe it. I sat by my window studying. The bright moonlight shimmered in my room. I just kept on thinking that PSLE is going to pass by quickly.

On 30 September, it was Mother Tongue paper. It was also her birthday. Even though it was PSLE, I gave her a gift.

Without a blink of an eye, PSLE was over. The hall was full of excitement. Everyone made a beeline to the gate. It was a long awaited moment. But those who had higher Mother Tongue were still studying, while those non-higher Mother Tongue people were playing happily. She was among the higher Mother Tongue people. I thought it was unfair. So I took a book and read until sleep time.

"The end of PSLE is never better. Now I can take a deep breath and relax," muttering to myself as the higher Mother Tongue paper ended. Only then was PSLE considered over. Even though I was staying at home as non Higher Mother Tongue pupils were not required at school, I wished her good luck for the Higher Mother Tongue paper.

The next day, everyone went to school with high spirits. There was not a single person with a foul mood. P6 students have finally regained their freedom. We were all laughing at our younger siblings that still had to study for their SA2. But, our parents were asking us to teach our siblings. I felt that it was unfair. How I wished I was the only child...

After PSLE, the teachers gave us project work. We were to perform during the graduation tea party. Every class was to sent out a representative to perform. To choose one, everyone had to perform to their classes first. In Jae, Nigel, Mithran and I chose to do yoyo tricks for the performance. (Inspired by Nigel) . We practiced our butts off to master the tricks. We got some injuries in the way.

Three weeks later, the day to perform to our class arrived. Unfortunately, In Jae could not join us. He had to go back Incheon, his original home. Our performance went quite smoothly. But I thought we were not going to be chosen to perform because the other groups were better than us, like the group that did the cup song. As always, Mr Tan would let us vote. At first, the first few votes did not have us in it. Until the middle votes to almost the last votes, we were either 1st choice or 2nd choice. In the end we got selected. I told myself to face up to reality and do it for her.

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