What Have You Got to Lose

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Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King.

"Jiro, please. I need you to stop this now."
"Huh." He scoffed. "It's only a matter of time, Yoh."
"If I pass out, it is going to be very bad for you, and for everyone else. My family went through lengths to get me back and made a deal with the Shaman King. I am not allowed to die, literally."

"Oh but you are going to, believe me."
"Apparently, you haven't met the Shaman King."

Yoh then turned to his wife.

"Anna, I can barely stay awake. If I lose consciousness, run."
"Are you insane? You want me to leave you here? With him?"
"Trust me. It is going to get ugly...from here on out. I need you to retrieve your necklace. You're the only one who can stop me."
"What do you mean?"
"Anna, please. I can only control it for so long."

Even though she really didn't. It didn't make sense, yet, she stopped questioning.

He kissed her forehead and whispered "Now... run."

Yoh's eyes turned red. Black flames engulfed his whole body and had him suspended in mid-air. Onis attached themselves to him and formed an armour. He then stared at his bloodstained hands and turned to Jiro, who was utterly shocked with the transformation.


"What are you?" Jiro's voice wavered.



Anna ran back as fast as she could after acquiring her beads. When she got there, she saw a creature, holding a struggling person by its head...and crushing it without a second thought. She almost screamed but instinctively covered her mouth with both hands. She knew she can't have it pay attention to her.

What happened to Yoh?

Her heart beat faster than usual. Is this what her husband meant? The price his family had to pay? She couldn't recognize him at all, save for his eyes that seemed vacant.

As if on cue, the giant turned to her and grinned. Anna was terrified that she stood frozen in her place as it took another step towards her.

She gripped the necklace tightly and tried to remember the incantations. Nerves aside, with trembling hands, and despite the limited knowledge and skill, she managed to summon Zenki and Kouki, powerful guardians that used to be under the command of the Shaman King, to protect her.

She ordered them to subdue the oni while she performed another ritual to expel evil spirits from the current realm.

Being a member of said coveted clan, she succeeded with flying colors. She didn't even know she could wield that much power, and quite honestly, she was horrified, yet grateful that it all worked out.

The oh-oni vanished into thin air, a hairline's breadth of the demon laying its hand on her.

With this, Yoh was released. He was still unconscious and deathly pale, but his mortal wounds were healed.

"That was close."

Anna almost jumped at another presence that appeared beside Yoh.

"Who are you?" Seriously, she has had enough for one day.

The entity looked up and removed his cover, and revealed a young man with long brown hair.

"Well, what a mess, although it looks like he handled it quite well to say the least."
"Yoh?" The resemblance was uncanny. But it couldn't be her husband.
"No, dear. I'm the Shaman King...and perhaps, Yoh's twin? Doesn't matter."
"I know you're confused, it's perfectly normal. But I am glad that you figured out how to use a fourth of your abilities to help my little brother. As much as I would love for him to finally be at my side, I need him to stay earthbound for as long as possible. He has a lot of work to do, you know."
"What are you talking about?"
"All in due time. Anyway, nice to meet you sister-in-law. Farewell. For now."


Yoh awakened not long after the Shaman King disappeared.
Explanations will have to happen later. They have to check on their father.

"Shit." The younger Asakura cursed under his breath. There was no saving Mikihisa.

Yoh checked on the rest of his family, and was relieved that they were unharmed.

Still, the question remained: How could a person who's been with them for years, betray them on a whim?


An intimate funeral was held for the current clan head. With this turn of events, Yoh was appointed as the new leader of the Asakura, much to his dismay. All he ever wanted was a simple life. A simple life with Anna.


The former and the new clan head, along with their wives sat in a private room. Yohmei revealed that they had suspected Jiro of insubordination a long time ago, but Mikihisa kept sweeping it under the rug and insisted that the kid had been with them since he was eight years old; that he would never betray them.

The accusations that the former head of security claimed were false. Yes, there was a surveillance tape. Yes, the Asakura were there the night of the massacre. But they did not kill that clan. They were sent there to help stop their annihilation; only they came in too late.

The Asakura clan conducted their own internal investigations but came up empty. No one ever knew who did it.


As for the deal with the Shaman King...

"After the accident...well, after you saved me...I've never been the same. I hit rock bottom and took my own life, and succeeded. But my family...they're stubborn. They summoned and begged the king to give back my soul. In exchange, I will not be allowed to die.

If I am on the brink of death, onis will take over my body and do everything to keep it alive. Chaos will be left in its wake even if my wounds get completely healed. It will take as many souls as possible..."

He paused for a bit.

"...and that was why your family and mine wanted to come together....wanted us to be together. You, with your abilities, will keep my onis in check. Only you can, Anna. However, I don't ever want that burden on your shoulder. My dad is gone, contract is null and void."

"Back up. You said I'm the only person who can keep your onis in check, correct?"
"I'll figure something out. Besides, all I need to do is stay alive, which is what I wanted for you too."
"So, you're telling me that you're ditching me after everything? Just like that? What a piece of work, you are. I almost died there."
"My point, exactly. I can't keep you safe anymore. They get stronger every time my life is threatened. I cannot control them, Anna. It's only a matter of time too, that you won't be able to as well. I just want you out of harm's way because, you know, I love you too much. Still. Always."
"Then I'll get stronger." Anna looked at him straight in the eye.
"You don't owe me anything."
"You're right. But I'm staying. Kill me if you wanted me gone...but you can't because, I know, you love me too much."

Yoh chuckled despite himself.

"Though, you still don't love me as much, right?"
"Right. Maybe? Maybe a little?"
"I guess I can live with that. Are you absolutely sure?"
"I can finally do something for you. Something important. So, suck it up husband. I'm not going anywhere. And also, being this hard-ass-Asakura-clan-head doesn't suit your personality at all. I want the dorky Yoh back, please."

Yoh smiled.

"As you wish."

Wouldn't you like to wake up and find
Me, every morning, on your mind
Oh, come on, don't be shy
Come on, you don't have to hide
-Carole King, What Have You Got to Lose


Author's Note: The end! Thanks for sticking with me for 2 years for this story. I hope I was able to close out everything just fine :) Til next time!
**Updated some lines :D 8/11/2016**

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