The White Witch - 6

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Friday. Everyone seems to love Friday's, last day of school or work before the weekend. I on the other hand am not so sure about Friday's. I like school, I like routine. Weekends have no routine. 

I looked up at the pale blue sky as I walked towards the school gates. The sun was out and the sky was cloudless, but it was bloody cold. I rubbed my hands together, pulling my scarf a little tighter around my neck. It amazed me that some girls actually still came into school wearing short skirts with no jumper or coat covering their blouses, even in this weather. 

I shuffled over to my locker, stuffing the books I needed into my bag before slamming it shut again. 

"Hey, gorgeous. Fancy meeting me by my locker later?" Someones hot breath tickled my ear as they whispered to me in a husky voice. I shook my head, turning around to face Leah. 

"What?" I asked, my eyebrows raised. 

"After school. You're still on for tonight right?" She asked.

"Oh,  yeah definitely." I replied, nodding my head vigorously. She grinned at me, just as the bell rang for registration. 

"Catch you at lunch!" She yelled over the loud ringing before shuffling through the crowds. I made my way to my form room and this time, it was me sitting away from Lucas rather than the other way round. I still had no idea what last night was all about. 

The day past slowly, as school always seemed to when you had no classes with your friends. When the bell finally rang for lunch, I practically ran out of my science lesson, quickly making my way to the lunch hall. 

I sat down at the usual table, the others were already there. I'm assuming since Cherrie and Leah are sat down at the same table together that they had made up, however I'm pretty sure it was Riley's doing more than their own. 

I pulled out my home made lunch from my bag and began to tuck in. Cherrie was looking at me over the can of orange juice which she was holding up to her lips but had not yet taken a sip.

"So you're going to this coven thingy with Leah tonight?" She asked. I looked from one girl to the other before replying. 

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Well, just be careful. I'm still not sure about meeting people from the internet. They could be anyone." She said, although she looked more like she was judging me on how I chose to spend my evening more than being concerned for our safety. 

"We'll be fine." Leah cut in as I opened my mouth to respond.

The table fell silent, in all honesty, I felt pretty awkward sitting here with them when they clearly weren't over what ever was going on between them. Riley clearly felt the same way as I did because his cheeks reddened slightly as he did a little fake cough. 

"You guys still coming to Jackson's party this weekend?" He asked, "Oh, and you can come too Bridge." 

"Um, I don't even know who Jackson is." I mumbled as my gaze caught on someone across the room. 

"That's ok, you can just come with us. He'll be cool with it." Riley said. I was about to tell them how I didn't really do parties when Leah cut in. Again. It was like she could read my mind sometimes. Maybe she was a real witch? 

"Come on Bridge, you have to go! You can't leave me while these two are off sucking face!" She exclaimed. I let out a soft giggle, still staring at the person across the room. 

"Ok." I said with a nod. Lucas still held my gaze. I wanted to look away but for some reason, I just couldn't. 

It felt like hours had past rather than minutes when his gaze finally dropped to the food in front of him. I let out a breath I hadn't even realised I had been holding in. 

"Hey, how well do you guys know Lucas?" I asked, nodding my head in his direction. 

"Well enough. Why?" Leah asked with a slight frown.

"What's his deal? I bumped into him last night. Quite litterally. And he was acting kinda...weird." I said. 

"Weird how?" Cherrie asked. 

"Well, I don't know. It just felt like he was watching my every move." I siad. 

"Look, Lucas likes to know what's going on around him. Some people think he's just nosey but it's more than that. He's pretty obsessive with it to be honest and it is weird I guess but he just doesn't feel right if he doesn't know something he wants to know. Like, he feels something's missing y'know?" Leah explained. I nodded my head, I guess that made sense. 

"Is he going to be at the party?" I asked. 

"Someones interested." Cherrie said, wiggling her eyebrows. Leah gave her a flat look before Cherrie held up her hands, "What? He's pretty hot." 

"Gross. Don't even go there." Leah said. I looked between them in confusion but no one bothered to explain. 

After lunch, I made my way to English, this time I chose to sat next to Cherrie. It would be nice to have some company. 


I met Leah by her locker at the end of the day, she was busy talking to some guy. her back facing me. I stalked up to her, dropping my hands down on her shoulders.

I couldn't help but laugh when she gave out a yelp, the boy she was talking to was pretty much doubled over in laughter.

"You should have seen your face!" He exclaimed between breaths of laughter. Leah rolled her eyes before turning to me.

"Bridge, this is Jackson." She said.

"Hey there." He said, giving me a small wave. I smiled and waved back before taking in the guy who stood before me. He was decent looking, but Cherrie was right. Lucas is hot, much better looking than this Jackson guy anyway.

"So you're coming to my party right?" He asked, looking me up and down. I wriggled in my boots, my cheeks heating up at the thought of him assessing whether I was worth him flirting with me or not, even though what I had just done was pretty much the same thing.

"Yeah." I replied with a nod. He grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth. 

"Come say hi yeah?" He said with a wink before walking away. Looks like I did well in his little head assessment. I wasn't quite sure whether to be pleased with this realization, or simply creeped out instead. 

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