The White Witch - 19

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The rest of the school day passed and I hadn't seen Lucas once. Whether he was avoiding me or not, I was unsure. My day had not gone so well after lunch. I was late to my last class so Miss Hall gave me a lecture in front of everyone in the class, but could she leave it at that? No, she then kept me back ten minutes after the bell meaning I had no chance of catching Lucas before he left.

I trudged over to my locker and opened it with a sigh. I was not in a good mood. I pulled out some books that I needed for homework before slamming the door shut again. 

As I left the building, I noticed the weather was matching my mood. I groaned upon seeing the dark clouds above me, hoping it wouldn't rain on me. I pulled my jacket tighter around me as a cold wind blew at my hair. 

"Cheer up, it might never happen." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up, my hair blowing around my face as I peered into the blue-grey eyes that were staring back at me. 

As soon as my gaze locked on to his, I saw his eyes grow wide as he took a step back. Was there something on my face? 

"Bridge - What the hell is wrong with your eyes?" He asked, looking more than a little shocked. I sighed and ran a hand though my hair. Great, looks like I'll be moving once again! 

His worried eyes were searching my face, waiting for an answer. My heart jumped in my chest and I knew, whether he would hate me or not, I had to explain to him. I bit my lip before taking a step closer towards him. 

"Lucas, I need to tell you something. It's going to sound really weird and I have no idea how you're going to react, but would you please come with me so I can explain?" I asked. 

He stood there in silence for a moment or two as he took in my words before nodding his head. The two of us set off in search of somewhere quiet but warm where we could sit down and talk. 

In the end, we wandered into a small cafe. We sat down at a booth together, Lucas staring at me as he waited for me to speak, I couldn't do it, I needed a moment or two to think about what I was going to say. 

I looked around the cafe. It was small but cozy. There were little round tables by the windows with a few booth's towards the back. There were tiny speakers in the corners of the ceiling which were playing old songs quietly. 

I gave a sigh before asking Lucas if he wanted anything. He gave me a flat look before rolling his eyes and giving me a nod.

"I'll get them." He said before walking up to the counter. He returned a few minutes later with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. I dipped my finger into the froth on the top befoe placing it in my mouth. 

Lucas gave me a smirk, shaking his head before telling me to hurry up and explain myself. 

"My mum is a witch." I said. There goes that all too familiar eyebrow raise, "Well, not the kind of witch you'll be thinking of. She has a power, that's all."

He didn't say anything as I shifted my gaze to the drink in front of me. 

"It's meant to skip a generation, so I shouldn't have a power myself, but I do." I said quietly, "I can control the weather." 

He was giving me a disbelieving look. I had blown it! I ran my hands through my hair, wishing there was a way to make him believe me and still have him as a friend/ 

"Prove it." He said. 

"What?!" I almost yelled, my eyes widening. 

"You heard me, prve it." He replied. 

"Look Lucas, I'm not very good at controling my power yet. It might not work OR it could go very wrong." I told him. 

"Bridge, you can't get better at something if you don't practice." He said. I nodded, he was right. It was the only way to prove it to him and I would be practicing at the same time.

"Ok, what should I do?" I asked. 

"Make it rain." He said. I rose my eyebrows before looking out of the window. 

"It looks like it could rain any second, how would that prove anything?" I asked. 

"Ok then, make it hail." He said. I nodded before closing my eyes. Oh god I hope this works! I pictured the hail hammering down on the window in my mind, I concentrated on the feel of the cold icy drops and the sounds it made at it hit the floor, the tops of cars, the windows. 

I heard Lucas gasp and opened my eyes to see the hail pounding off the ground outside. I turned to Lucas with a smirk as if to say 'I told you' 

"Wow" He breathed out with a small chuckle. 

"You'e still here?" I asked. Most people would have run off, yelling that I was a freak by now. His gaze locked on to mine, a very serious look crossing on to his face. 

"Bridget, I'll always be here." He almost whispered. My heart fluttered in my chest as I gave him a small smile. 

Lucas looked up at the ceiling, all seriousness gone from his face. 

"I love this song!" He exclaimed before grabbing my hand and pulling me from my seat, the hot chocolates were left forgotten as he spun me around before placing my hands around his neck, his own rested on my hips. 

"Dance with me." He whispered, his eyes sparkling in the dim lights. 

"I don't think I really have a choice." I joked, unable to keep away the huge smile which was twitching at my lips. 

Our eyes stayed locked upon one anothers as we swayed to the music, no words were spoken between us but it felt like we were holding a full conversation with our eyes. Lucas slowly bent his head, pressing his lips to mine so softly that I could barely tell they were there. 

His lips felt soft as they moved against mine, his warm breath blew gently through my hair as he moved to kiss my cheek. 

"You know, it's really weird when your eyes go like that, but they look really pretty too." He said and I felt like I was about to melt in to a puddle right there in his arms.  


The song on the side is the song they were dancing too haha I'm pretty sure when I wrote this it was meant to be a different song  but I can't remember what song it was and I was just listening to this song and thought it went well with this chapter haha :)

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