The White Witch - 9

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I awoke early the next day, which was unusual for me. I like to sleep in on a Saturday. I rolled lazily out of bed before pulling on some clothes. I can't function properly in a morning until I had a drink - which was usually a coffee, although I had recently switched to decaf. 

I grabbed my phone from the night stand, stuffing it in my pocket before making my way downstairs. Mum and dad were already sat at the table, eating breakfast. 

"Morning." I said as I started making myself a coffee. 

"Morning." Mum said as dad handed me a banana and gave me a quick kiss on the head. We went through this same routine every day except Saturday's. 

"You're up early." Dad commented. 

"Couldn't get back to sleep after the post came." I shrugged, taking hold of the banana before chopping it up and placing it in the bowl. 

"Any plans for the day?" Mum asked as she took a sip of her own coffee. 

"Yeah, I'm going to a friends later." I said as I poured milk into my coffee before adding some to the chopped banana in the bowl. 

"Well we're going out for lunch so make sure you take your keys incase you come back before us." Dad said, I gave them both a quick nod, vowing to remember to take my keys with me before heading back up stairs with my breakfast. 

I was nearly done with my food when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I put my mug on the night stand so I could reach into my pocket to look at the text I had recieved. 

'152 Princess Street - It's rite near twn. Let me no if u need any mre directions. x' 

It was Leah. I looked up the street on Google maps. I knew my way into town, but I didn't know any of the street names that were near there. 

It didn't take me long to figure where the place was, hopefully I wouldn't get myself lost once I set off. I quickly saved Leah's number into my phone before going in search of my shoes, I always seem to kick them off apart from each other. 


I arrived at Leah's within half an hour. I looked at the small house and let out a sigh before walking up to the front door. I hate knocking on people's doors. 

At first, no one came to answer the door. I stood there shifting my weight from one foot to the other, feeling anxious. I decided to text Leah and let her know I was there rather than knocking again, but just as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, the front door swung open.

"Oh, it's you." Said a smooth voice. That was not Leah. 

I looked up, my eyes wide in shock as I saw Lucas standing there in a pair of dark jeans and black socks with no shirt on. 

"Um, is that a problem?" I asked, confusion slowly sinking in. 

"No. I just didn't expect it to be you. I thought it would be Cherrie or something." He explained. 

"Did Leah invite you over too?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at his shirtless body. Hadn't she said the thought of him being hot was gross or something like that? A slight smirk made it's way onto his face as he shook his head. 

"She didn't tell you?" He asked, though he didn't sound surprised. 

"Uh. Tell me what?" I asked. He moved back, opening the door a little wider so I could go inside. 

"Leah's my sister. We're twins." He explained. Twins huh? I looked him over, they had the same dirty blonde coloured hair, except his ends weren't dyed black. They had the same rounded nose and the same blue-grey eyes, only his were a shade brighter. 

"Oh. No, she didn't tell me that." Was all I managed to say. 

"So, how was playing witches last night?" He asked. 

"If you must know, I didn't go." I scowled at him. I did not play at being a witch! "plus, I wasn't going so I could practice magic, I was going for research." 

"Why didn't you go?" Lucas asked. 

"My-" I was cut off when someone started stomping loudly down the stairs towards us. 

"Lucas! Will you stop harrassing my friend?" Leah said as she walked over to us, grabbing my hand before pulling me up the stairs after her. Lucas stood there, shaking his head with a small smile on his face. 

"Whatever. Wouldn't want you to put a curse on me." He said, I felt a smile pulling at my lips as Leah turned to him and stuck her tongue out before leading me in to what I assumed was her bedroom. 

I was surprised to see her walls were a pale pink colour, she had a small, dark pink rug on the floor with white and pink bedding. She even had some teddies sat in the corner of her room! She watched me scanning her room. 

"I know, it's horrible. Mum has been refusing to let me change it for the past year." She said as she sat down on her bed. 

"No, it's not horrible." I told her as I walked further into the room, "just, unexpected." 

She gave me a small nod before patting the space beside her. The minute I sat down she dived into a very detailed account of what happened last night. To be honest, I was pretty horrified by what I heard. They had been looking at love spells and one of them smoked! I thought witches were all about nature, these women didn't seem to fit the bill. 

I shook my head at the expression on Leah's face as she told me about them, she actually liked these women! Was she mad? 

A few hours later our stomach's were rumbling and we decided it was about time we headed down to the kitchen for lunch. There was a woman standing by the cooker, stirring something in a small pan. 

"Hey mum." Leah said as she grabbed some things from various cupboards. 

"Hey, who's this?" The small woman replied as she noticed me standing by the fridge. 

"Oh, that's Bridget. She just moved here last week." Leah answered as she started putting some sandwiches together. 

"Oh! Where did you move from? Do you like it here so far?" Leah's mum asked me. 

"Um, yeah it seems nice here and I lived in Scotland for a little while before we moved here." I said. I could tell she wanted to ask more questions but the warning look Leah gave her seemed to stop her. Instead she held out a hand to me and smiled. 

"I'm Connie by the way. Do you know my son as well then?" She asked as I shook her hand. 

"Yeah, although I didn't know he was Leah's brother until today." I said, shooting a pointed look in Leah's direction. She didn't even tell me he was her brother when I mentioned him at lunch the other day! 

"Oh mum, there's a party tonight and I know I'm grounded but I already said I'd go! Can I?" Leah asked, setting two plates down on the table and motioning me to sit down. 

"Leah, there's no way I'm letting you go to a party after last night, you were an hour late!" Connie exclaimed. 

"But mum!" Leah whined, "I already told Riley and Cherrie that I'd go! And Bridget's going, and she doesn't know anyone else who will be there. She needs me." 

My cheeks heated a little as I realized she was using me as an excuse, I did know a couple of other people who would be there, although she was right. I didn't know anyone else enough to stick around with them all night, I did need her. 

"Fine! You can go tonight, but after that you;re grounded." She said, "For two weeks!" 

Leah groaned but agreed with a nod as we finished with our lunch. She sure knew how to get her own way. 

After lunch, we went back up to Leah's room. I text my mum, telling her about the party and hoping she would be OK with it while Leah rummaged through her wardrobe, looking for outfits for us both to wear. 

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