Chapter 3 - The Quiet Life

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I didn't sleep very well last night. I had nightmares again about my past. Something which I have tried so hard to forget. My eyes fluttered opened and I looked over at the tree I was in to see Daryl, fast asleep. I watched him for a moment, admiring his face. He is actually quite handsome in a weird, rugged way. Who knows what would have happened if I had met him before the world went to pot.

Trying not to make too much noise I jumped down from the tree with a soft thud as I landed. I slung my cross bow across my shoulders and looked around for something I could use to wake Daryl up. Yes, I could just shout at him to wake up, but that would be too nice. I looked around and found some sticks. I threw one up the tree at him. No response. I threw another one at his body and he made a small grunting noise.

I threw another one at him but this time aimed for his head. It hit him between the eyes and he shot up with a jolt "What the fuck man!" He clutched his head and I laughed,

"Oops!" He gave me the evils "Come on sleeping beauty, we've got a deer to catch" He nodded with a grunt and I turned on my heel to find the deer tracks again. I crouched on the floor over the tracks and heard a thump, followed by a familiar voice cursing behind me.

I turned around to see Daryl getting up off the ground, he was brushing leaves and dirt from his body. I will admit it was kinda cute and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. He finally stopped and walked over to me. I kept smiling when I saw he still had leaves in his hair. "What?" He gave me a questioning look.

"You've got..." I put my hand up to pull them out and he flinched away from my hand slightly. After he realised I was only getting the leaves from his hair he relaxed. After they were out he nodded to me and we followed the tracks of the deer.

As we walked along we stopped for a moment as I saw a squirrel climbing up a tree out the corner of my eye. I lined up the shot and sent a bolt flying through the air. It hit its mark and stuck the squirrel to the tree. I waltzed over to the tree to retrieve my prize. I pulled it off the tree and tied the squirrel to my belt. I turned around as I put the bolt back in my quiver to see Daryl standing staring at me, amazed. "Might wanna pick up your lip, wouldn't want you choking on a fly now would we?" I said with a wink.

His cheeks flashed red and his pursed his lips together as we continued following the tracks through the forest. We stopped for a moment just to have a break and I noticed Daryl stretching his muscles. The way his biceps moved and flexed was actually very satisfying to watch, if you know what I mean, although his face kinda looked like he was in pain. "You okay?" I questioned, taking a sip of some water we had found.

He rolled his shoulders which caused his shirt to lift slightly and I saw some tattoos peeking out from underneath. "Just slept with a stick poking me in the back" I laughed at him slightly and he turned his head "Who's idea was it to sleep in a tree anyway" he said looking back at me with a smirk on his face.

I laughed slightly and put my hands up in defence. "What?! Beats getting torn to pieces by flesh eating freaks" He rolled his eyes, and laughed as he walked off into the forest following the tracks. I picked up my crossbow and started following him through the forest.

We walked in silence again, I guess Daryl is not a man of many words. It was not one of those awkward silences, it was comfortable. We finally came to a small opening and we saw the buck in the distance. I instinctively crouched to the ground and soon Daryl was by my side. I lined up the sights but I figured I would be nice and let Daryl take the shot.

I turned my head to him to be greeted with icy blue eyes already staring at me. He nodded his head towards the deer but I shook my head. I looked back at the deer and we both sat there in the forest. If he didn't take the shot soon the deer will run off. Deciding I couldn't wait any longer I let a bolt fly through the air. I watched as it hit the deer causing it to jump.

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