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Where I left off in part to Magics best friend Dameion was tryin to bring Magic out of a flashback and your possibly wondering what the flashback was about? Right? well if you were....this is very hard to put in my first story because it's some of my personal life experiences and I have had moments of pure rage or what other people call "psychotic" or "homicidal" but she and I sometimes still having a flashback of her step sister Alexis who is (possibly was meaning I don't know if shes still alive) older than her getting beaten by her adoptive father (at the time) for stopping him from beating her to death. He was mad at Magic for not pretending to be sick so that the people at the church they would sometimes go to would give them money for the drugs that he wanted to buy. The reason the she has flashbacks of this is because she wishes that she was older so that she could stop and or kill him for beating Alexis. For making her be his prostitute for all of his older gang memebers and letting them rape and beat her for as long as he wanted to let them. Those memories haunt her to this day, she wishes she could kill him, his wife, and all of the people that did that to her. She has nightmares and has to deal with seeing the men that did that to her every now and then because Magic and her family have moved back to the town where all of her beatings and other abuse took place and she hates it with a passion and she swear that when she graduates she's moving as far away from this town as possible. And this is not the only trauma she has well we have gone through you will be told the rest as this story progresses.... good bye for now because now I'm going to go stab and cut my old mattress, and let out all of my anger i will add a new part later😈👊🔪

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