ISS Crush

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ISS Crush: What's up you guys I'm Magics ISS crush😛lol I'm not gonna say my name because well Magic is boutta be saying it a lot😂and well the reason she's so surprised that I'm callin her is cuz she hasnt seen me since we were in ISS together(if that part wasn't obvious😑).She was posed to come to "MUTANT END OF YEARS CELEBRATION🎉"and see me but she was in PACE😓(PACE- Practice Acquiring Control Exclusion) for mutants who lose control at school😈and are sent there to practice control.Basically what humans call "alternative school" but for mutants and so she was busy training and workin on control so she couldn't come😒. was sucked cuz I had everything planned out for us but itz coo nd I'm back to take her out since I missed her "evolution day" which is a big deal. so I'm outside her cabin but I see someone elses ride here to😠imma try and stay calm bout that tho.

Magics POV: OMG HES HERE! HES HERE! HES HERE! OKAY GOTTA LOOK CUTE DAMN IM NOWHERE NEAR BEIN DRESSED *phone rings "Body" comes on* *jas sees who it is we both scramble for my phone. she grabs it* "GIVE IT HERE NOW JAS ITS FOR ME😠" I say really nervous and pissd "So you cheatin on Ant wit anotha nigga?" she says holdin my phone in her hand😤 "HELL NO ITS AN OLD FRIEND ITS NONE OF YO BUSINESS ANYWAYS NOW GIVE ME MY GOD DAMN PHONE NOW BEFORE I BLAST YOU INTO NEXT YEAR!😈"her face instantly changed and she tossed me my phone "I'm out Mag call me when you not trippin✌"she says as she put one of our "THIS GIRL LOVES HER GIRLFRIEND😍"tees👕 and her black and red low rise Jordans👟 "Yeah whatever bye✌" I say as I rush to my closet trying to figure out what I'm gonna wear.

Jasmin's POV:I get my stuff and put my "Michael Kors" backpack on🎒and head out the door.just as I'm walkin out the front door this guy is gettin out of this 2017 blood red Ferrari and stylin

-A box faded at the top hair cut
-Red Ape Black & Red jeans
-A Chicago bulls black & red T-shirt wit the bull smokin a blunt
-Black&Red high rise Jordan Airs
-Some fancy expensive lookin black shades
-10carrot diamond studs and a black&red watch,wit a gold lion chain-

I look at him and walk up to him "so u must be the "ISS" crush that was callin My/ Magix phone huh?" i say as he stands and leans up against his car "Ur not her so I don't see why that's ur business?😕"  I really wanna punch the nigga fa catchin an attitude bit I stay calm

Magics POV: I quickly go to my closet and search through my color coordinated and very well organized clothes and pick out what I think is the perfect outfit
- neon green and ripped slitted back crop top wit "CLASSY B!TCH" on the front
- black ripped legs leggings and white cut off shorts
- B&W converse ALL STARS wit 2017 on the left and 90's on the right
- Black bedazzled and sparkly belt and black chain wit a binky painted black, black studs in my ears, black diamond bellybutton piercing (yes I have my bellybutton pierced), neon green contacts, and just a tad foundation
- plat iron my hair and brush my shaved side
and headed out the door not before grabbing my black "TRANS" backpack and my phone and plug-in, car, and portable charges and headed out the front door where I saw Jas tlkin to my crush and him trying to remain calm
I walkd over to them "Um? everything okay here?" I asked and I pulled my "GUCCI" shades out my pack. "Let's go" he said immediately after I asked my question so I startd towards the passenger side when Jas grabbed my hand "Your really just gonna leave wit him after what happened to-" "Yes Bye✌" I said cutting her off and snatching my hand away from her. I got in his car and he sped outta my driveway and hit the freeway his left hand was steering the right one was grippin my thigh I lit up a splif and got high while he slowly rubbed my thigh I plugged in my pink sparkly AUX CORD and plugged it into his aux port and went through my phone nd turned on Bryson Tiller "Don't"

"Don't, don't, don't, play wit' it don't be dishonest....still not understanding this logic. I'm back and I'm betta, I want you bad as eva' "  I started singin the words he smiled at that and I giggled and he laughed and we pulled up to this cliff and my eyes widened and my mouth dropped at the beyond beautiful view that shined before us. "Yeah I thought this would be your reaction to this😏 I found it the other day while I was drivin around and thought about you" he said as he smirked and rubbed the back of his neck nervously😅 "OMG COLBY I FREAKIN LOVE IT! I nearly screamed😄( yes his name is Colby happy now you know) I got so lost in the beautiful view that I didn't even realize he was hugging me from behind until he kissed the back of my neck which sent chills down my spine. I'm guessing Colby felt the effect of his kiss because I felt a smirk form on his lips on the back of my neck he kissed my neck again and I moaned a soft and gentle moan then I pulled away from him embarrassed at my moan and he chuckled a little. "What's wrong Mag? Antonio never made you moan like that or something?" he said and with that i felt my eyes form tears as I remembered him. "Whoa wait Mag i-" "TAKE ME HOME!" i cut him off "But Mag i-" "TAKE ME HOME!" i said as the tears fell slowly down my face.

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