Chapter 12

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It's been two days, and he still hasn't moved a muscle. He's breathing. I just hope that he's okay.

Liza: "I love you so much." I said as I was laying beside him.


I heard a faint whisper in the distance.

X: "I love you so much."

I slowly tried to open my eyes, it was all blurry at first but then suddenly it became clear. I looked down and saw Liza laying down beside me, her arm wrapped around me.

David: "I- *coughs* I love you too."

Liza: "Wait what?" She looked up at me and saw that I was awake.


She started to cry into my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and started to pat her back. I then look down and realize that I had broken my arm.

David: "L-Liza, water."

Liza: "Water?"

I nodded my head yes.

Liza: "Oh, yeah, okay I'll go get some, I'll be right back."

She stood up, grabbed a small cup, and poured some water into it. She walked back towards me and gave me the cup with my opposite hand that wasn't broken. I slowly took a sip and my throat became clear.

David: "Ah, that's better."

Liza smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. We both started to blush.

David: "Liza, will you be my-"

Just then the doctor came in and smiled.

Dr.Ritchard: "I see that you are now awake David. Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything at the moment?"

David: "Um, yes I feel okay, I just have a small headache, and I don't need anything. But thank you."

Dr.Ritchard: "Okay, well if you need anything just press that button right there, okay!" He showed me the button that was right beside my bed.

I nodded my head yes.

David: "Thanks Doc."

Dr.Ritchard: "You are very welcome."

He walked out of the door and closed it behind him.

Liza: "Okay so should I text your family that you're awake?"

David: "Oh yeah, go ahead."

Liza: "Okay."

Liza started to text my parents and told them that I was awake.

Liza: "Okay they said that they're going to be here as soon as possible."

David: "Okay, thanks Liza. And... How long have I been here for?"

Liza: "Two days."

David: "How long have you been here?"

Liza: "Two days too."

David: "Did you eat anything?"

Liza: "No... No I didn't. But don't worry about me. Really."

David: "Liza, why don't you eat now."

Liza: "I probably will later, I promise."

A/N, oh I wonder what David was gonna ask Liza ;)

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