Chapter 13

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David: "Liza, when do I get out of here?"

Liza: "Tomorrow morning actually."

David: "Oh wait really?"

Liza: "Yeah."

I looked at Liza and she looked back, we both started to smile at each other.

Liza: "So what were you going to ask me before the doctor came in?"

David: "Oh yeah, um. I kinda forgot."

Liza: "It's fine."


I want to ask her out at the right time. Right now isn't the right time, I want to make it perfect. Just for her.

David: "Hey, um. I was thinking. Maybe you and I would want to go out somewhere."

Liza: "Oh yeah, sure! When?"

David: "I was thinking tomorrow, if you're free."

Liza: "Yeah. Yeah definitely, I'm free."

David: "Okay.. Good."

Liza: "Scoot."

David: "Huh?"

Liza: "Scoot over! I want to lay beside you baaaaaaaaaaaa-David."

I laughed a little. I scooted over and let her lay beside me.

David: "What's a baa?"

Liza: "Um, I don't know."

I looked at her with an "are you sure?" face. She shook her head no, and I raised my eyebrow up. She shook her head no again. Then we both smiled and laughed.

A/N sorry I was kinda lazy

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