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~•¤ Epilogue ¤•~

*Two years later*

"And last but not least, the book that won The Most Inspiring Award and The Best Selling Book of Year 2013 is..." The announcer said through the microphone and opened the envelope that carried the result, "Nathan by Natalie Collins." Everyone started clapping as I got up and hugged Jenny, Bob and Marie. I got up to the stage and took the awards from the guy and stood in front of the microphone. This was unbelievable. I won two awards. Two freaking awards!

"Oh my God... I honestly can't believe this. I'm really happy right now. I want to thank everyone who helped me publish this book. I want to thank my aunt Jenny, her husband Bobby, and my best friend Marie for being there for me. They supported me a lot through this year and I'm very appreciative of their hard work," I started, taking a look around the venue.

 "But most of all, I want to thank Nathan, my boyfriend, my best friend and my everything. Because if it wasn't for him, I would've never reached this far. I only started as a student who loved writing and I won the competition. And now I'm accepting two awards for my first published book. I'm so happy and I want to thank whoever bought it and supported me." People started clapping again and I smiled.

"Do you mind reading us a bit of it?" someone said from the crowd.The announcer took the awards and gave me a copy from the book. I opened the first page and started reading the prologue.

"Pain isn't just a word-It's not just a feeling either. It's something that was created to make us appreciate everything around us. When people are in pain, they go through different kinds of suffering. It just depends on their situation. Sometimes people suffer from love, and sometimes they suffer from being weak. But you know what the worst thing is? It's when a person suffers from all of these at the same time.

That's exactly what Nathan felt. He was an innocent creature that lived among all those hideous souls. He was an angel that had nothing to do with all the devils that ruined our beautiful world. 'Why was I chosen to be in pain?' he asked himself many times, but never found the answer to his question. He always used to pretend to be strong for his mother's sake. He pushed people away to avoid hurting them. But what did that give him? More pain.

His intentions were pure, but people always misunderstood him. What was wrong with him? Why was he the one that had to suffer from people's hard criticism and mean actions toward him? Wasn't he supposed to live normally like anyone else on this planet? But no. He was diagnosed with both Liver Cancer and depression. And no one knew about it but his parents and himself. He slowly started to lose hope- he slowly gave up, until a girl entered his life and turned everything around. That girl, Natalie, was Nathan's last hope in life. She was the one who brought happiness back to his broken soul. She saved him from many things: Self harming, depression, mental pain and a lot more.

That was exactly the perfect couple. Not because they always saw each other like normal couples do, but because none of them gave up on their relationship. Even though each one of them was in a different place, they had their own ways of communication. They didn't need technology to stay in touch. Instead, they had a thing that was rare to find. A thing that was more valuable than anything in this world. Something you can't find nowadays; they had hope."

I closed the book and wiped the tears that were rolling down my cheeks, taking a look at the crowd. Every person in the venue had a sad look on their face, which made me happy to know that my feelings reached them. My message reached them. And that was the best feeling in the world. "Thank you," I said, and everyone cheered again as I made my way down the stage.

 I carried both of the awards in my hands and gave them to Marie. "I'll see you guys later tonight. I have a place to be at right now," I said and they all gave me a confused look. I started walking out of the venue before they could ask me anymore questions, getting in Nathan's old Jeep. Yes, I kept it for myself. His mom offered it to me and I gladly accepted it. Not because I didn't want to buy my own, but because it meant a lot to me. We rode this car when we went to our first date- or I should say, the first time Nathan and I hung out. That day was when everything started between us.

I drove down to the graveyard and I parked the car. I entered and walked to the same spot I went to everyday: Nathan's grave. "Hey Nathan," I greeted and sat beside his grave, "How's it going? I miss you a lot. It isn't nice in here without you, you know! 

"Though I do have great news for you. Remember the book I told you I wrote in your honor? Well, it won two awards. The Most Inspiring Award and The Best Selling Book of Year 2013. It's crazy, I know. I still don't believe it myself!" I said, smiling to myself. I could feel a lump in my throat, but I swallowed it. I shouldn't cry. This was a happy moment. 

"But it's all because of you. I would've never wrote a short story about your life and won the competition if you weren't so inspiring. I would've never turned that short story into a book if you didn't write me that letter. Thank you Nathan for always being there for me even though you're far away from here. And I know that you're watching me right now from heaven. That's why I want you to remember only one thing; I love you and I always will."

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆The end☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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