Chapter 2

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~•¤ Chapter 2 ¤•~

"Nathan?" I called as soon as I reached him. He looked up at me and his face held no emotion. It was so pale and it seemed that he was freezing. It was winter and the weather was absolutely cold, specially with the big amounts of rain that were pouring from above so no wonder he was freezing. He stayed silent but his gaze never left mine.

I figured that I should continue talking because he wasn't planning to anytime soon. "Are you okay? Why are you sitting here?" I asked, waiting for an answer. I sat beside him and felt him tense a bit. He didn't seem alright at all and I knew I wasn't going to leave him that way.

"I uh don't want to.....Go home" he stuttered and hid his face between his knees. He didn't want to tell me, but at the same time he didn't want to lie, I mean that's what I thought. It was obvious that he had some problems back home and he didn't feel like going there.

"Do you wanna come over at mine?" the words came out before I could stop them. His head shot up and I could see how shocked he was. I couldn't blame him since I was shocked myself. "You know, you can't stay here. It's raining and you'll get sick. Besides my aunt won't mind it." I added wanting him to accept my offer. It was my chance to know him better and I definitely wasn't going to blow it away.

I heard him sigh and he slightly nodded his head, and that was when I felt myself smile. I got up and stretched my hand out for him, but he stood up by himself.

I felt embarrassed and pulled my hand back, then started walking down the empty street. Lights shone from above us to guide us in the late night, and strong wind brushed through us, as I felt goosebumps form on my fare-tanned skin. Even my heavy coat wouldn't be able to stop the cold weather from affecting me.

We stayed silent, neither of us knowing what to say. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. I wanted to speak but I figured that he wasn't going to reply, so I sticked with guiding him to my house. We kept walking, until the small house I called home came into a view.

"That's it. The house I live at." I pointed at the old-fashioned one story house with my index finger as we got closer. He muttered "It's nice." under his breath and didn't say anything else. I nodded and got my keys out of my purse and opened the door, then I gestured for him to enter. I followed him and took my coat and beanie off and hung them, then slipped out of my boots and put them beside the door ( In their usual place).

"Natalie honey welcome back," my aunt called from her room. That was her, the sweet loving lady who treated the ones she loved beautifully. I loved how she cared for me as if she was my real mother, and she always made sure I got everything I needed. Her husband was as sweet as her, always protecting me and making sure I was okay. They never failed to make me happy and that was something not everyone could feel.

"Thank you Jenny. I have a friend with me." I called back as I motioned for Nathan to follow me to my room. But before we reached it my aunt appeared in the living room. She smiled at Nathan and stretched out her hand for him. "Hello there. I'm Jeannette, Natalie's aunt. But you can call me Jenny." she smiled at him as he shook her hand. "Nathan." he simply said and put his hand back in his hoodie pocket.

My aunt wasn't used to me bringing friends around. I didn't have many actually that's why, but the only one I brought to the house was Marie, my friend from high school. We were pretty close but not 'best friends'. I wasn't that sociable kind of girl so it was hard for me to form friends. "I'll cook you guys dinner." Jenny smiled and went to the kitchen.

I gestured for Nathan to enter my small room that consisted of a bed and a drawer beside it, a closet, and a small couch beside the window. I quite liked it to be honest. It suited me perfectly and I didn't ask for anything more.

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