Coffee & Death Anyone?

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" Shouldn't we have brought the dog, since you know she has the knowledge on these things?" Lyka questioned me as we sat inside a Starbucks waiting for our order. I decided no matter how hard I worked to get this motorcycle my father would never get it for me. So I enlisted Lyka to help me look for one with the royal credit card. 

Of course we had to avoid bringing attention to it with my father or Chloe, so we lied and told them we were going on a jog. But I also wanted a real opinion so I brought Mercy along with us, she was always the most truthful with me.

" First she's not a dog and that's bad terminology. Second of course not I'm a big girl I can handle myself." I told Lyka a bit cocky. She plunged towards me in a playful manner but I flinched back like a child, making her laugh.

" Of course my queen. But do you even know how to ride one of these things?" Lyka asked.

" no she doesn't." Mercy laughed putting our coffee down in front of us. "we're here for Bambi to hurt herself and never wanna get a motorcycle again." I punched my sister in the arm at her comment.

" Not true watch I'm gonna be a natural." I stuck my tongue out at her. As we got up to walk to the dealership across the street. " now Mercy go work your magic and get me a bike." I commanded picking at my nails.

My sister growled walking into the dealership. After a couple of minutes she came back out with keys she tossed them to me. Following her was what I assumed to be the salesmen pushing a black and red motorcycle out. I smiled at the sight it was exactly what I wanted, the man briefed my sister on some info about the type of bike it was. I completely zoned out though, I couldn't wait to test drive it. When the man finally finished up I got on the bike shifting my weight so it wouldn't fall on me.

I put the key into the keyhole and waited for it to turn on, after a while I looked at my sister in confusion. She gave me a weird look before bending over and turning the key to the right. Instantly the bike started vibrating I nearly jumped off until I remembered it was suppose to do that. I looked at it in awe and confusion all at once.

" Bambi are you gonna go?" Mercy asked me with a smile on her lips. She was just loving this, that she was right and I was wrong. She was just waiting for me to be completely freaked out and get off the bike so she can do her stupid victory dance. I wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction though, I winked at her and moved the gas handle thingy.

I immediately regretted it as it went instantly into acceleration, and I didn't kick up the kick stand. I didn't know how to slow down and before I knew it I was leaving the parking lot of the dealership. Swerving into traffic I began panicking as I dodged cars I began to scream in horror. I looked down to see the sparks that the kickstand was creating I tried to kick it up, but I couldn't move, I was paralyzed with fear.

 "BAMBI BRAKES!! PULL THE FUCKING BRAKES!!" I heard Mercy yelling at me. I smiled thanking Lilith I had a smart sister, looking down I felt the panic in my chest arise again.

" WHICH ONE IS THE BRAKES?!" I yelled back looking at the controls I pressed the one that looked most like the one on my regular bike. The cars began beeping at me so I looked up to see I was going straight into the back of a truck. I closed my eyes getting ready for the impact screaming louder than ever.

After less than a minute of not feeling anything I opened my eyes. I was just inches away from the back of the truck, I breathed in and out heavily taking in the smell of burning rubber from the tire for sure. I moved the bike to the side of the road manually, and waited for Lyka and Mercy to come find me. I was shaking when my big sister found me and attacked me in a death hug. I looked at Lyka who was getting a bit teary eyed. I must of really worried them.

" oh my Lilith I'm so happy you're okay!" she began crying and I patted her back still shaking. She pulled away not letting go fully, so she could look me in the eyes. " so no motorcycle after all?" she laughed.

" Hell no we're getting it! That was fucking awesome!!" I finally found my words to speak up. She laughed at me until she realized I was completely serious. To which she dragged me back to the dealership by the ear as Lyka pushed the bike laughing at my pain. Once we were back where we started Lyka place the kickstand down. The man who helped us came running out with something in his hands.

" hey girls I forgot to ask if you guys needed a helmet." he smiled at us and I felt Mercy's energy rise to the surface at the comment. She let go of my ear to ball up her fist beside her.

" actually nope where do I sign?" I asked the man making him smile. I turned to my sister to see that did it for her.

" THAT THING ALMOST KILLED MY LITTLE SISTER SO YOU KNOW WHAT MOTHERFUCKER?! TAKE YOUR GODDAMN FUCKING DEATH TRAP BACK INSIDE!! BEFORE I RIP OUT YOUR FUCKING SPINE AND USE IT TO FORNICATE WITH YOUR SKULL!! IN FRONT OF ALL OF YOUR GODDAMN COWORKERS YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" I became frightened at her tone, as the man ran back towards the office crying like a baby. She looked at me with her angry look and I cowered down a bit. But she smiled at me laughing and as ruffled my hair. " I love you so much kiddo." I hugged my big sister and joined her laughing until a car stop screeching in front of us. My stomach dropped as we looked up to Chloe in the driver's seat with Ara and Destiny in the back.

" what's going on?" I asked a bit terrified at the angry face Chloe was making.

" don't you recall love? We had plans to go camping sweetie." I looked at Mercy confused and she just looked at me the same way. " get in the car hunnybun!" I flinched at Chloe's odd tone holding Mercy tighter as she did the same thing. I nodded my head letting go of Mercy to get into the passenger's side door.

" how did you find me?" I asked Chloe knowing that a certain werewolf was probably involved.

" I'm your girlfriend." she said smiling at me. " let's just call it a sixth sense yeah?"

" well I can explain." I said trying to defend myself. She leaned over and kissed me, making my cheeks burn. When she pulled away she bit my lip a little making me moan.

" no explanation needed babe." she laughed taking the car out of park.

" I didn't pack for a camping trip." I told her nervously hoping she'd call this thing off.

" don't worry I packed for you." she said plainly.

" where are we going to camp at?" I asked to see if it was close enough to home, so that if I'd faked a psychotic meltdown,they could just take me home after a couple hours. I thought about it as we began to reach the country areas.

" crystal lake." she said flatly to me I turned around to see Ara and Destiny were asleep. I was wondering why they were so quiet.

" you mean where Jason Voorhees lives? Are we suicidal now?" I asked a bit confused at the area she chose. I wonder if she was aware that Jason was my godfather? Godfather or not he wouldn't allow anything fun to happen on his watch.

" Nope your dad just picked him up for a boys weekend in Vegas. Jason gave me thumbs up on the property." she laughed.

" should we really risk it though? I mean doesn't Jason really love to ya know kill horny teenagers like us?" I asked her in confusion and actually worry for our lives. He'd still kill me or attempt if I disrespected him like that.

" You're horny baby?" she laughed making me blush a little. She turned to look at me as we stopped in front of a red light, she kissed me again this time when she bit my lip from the withdraw I could taste blood. Her fangs were out on display which made mine pop out as an effect. " I just started babe, you haven't seen how bad I can get."  

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