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Once I was at school I instantly see stiles and I walk over to him "hey stiles" i said
"hey becca, science first lets go" he said and we walked to science. When we got to science class we sat down near each other and mr Neymar walked into the room
"okay students, slaves it's all the same to me, what is photosynthesis,Keith?" He asked and I got a note from stiles and one from Alison
"hey becca wanna study after school maybe?" Stiles asked I nodded to him and he smiled and Alison said
"omg gurl new hottie is totes checking u out!" And I got out my phone and text her
"is he really? He is super hot and nice!" She text me back
"wait you've met him?!" I started sending "yeah I met him last night on the beach and-"
"Mrs young?"mr Naymar asked
"yup?" I asked
"if you don't mind I would like to teach today!"he said and i looked up at him "sure go ahead i ain't stopping you am I?"I answered back
"yes you are or would you like to teach this class?" He asked and i smirked evilly
"sure" I smiled and Walked to the front "right everyone RUN AND HAVE FUN ELSE WHERE!" I yelled
"everyone sit including you Mrs young, I'm emailing the head teacher about this!" Mr Neymar said and we all sat down.

About 15 minutes passed and then my brother walked through the door with the head teacher and girls squealed and yelled 'we love you'
"hey becca 5 minutes out side please" Kevin said
"sure bro" i answered. As soon as we got out side Kevin asked
"what happened?"
"Well this new hottie was checking me out and Alison and i were texting about it and then mr Naymar asked 'would you like to teach the class' so i said sure then I yelled everyone run and have fun else where" i said fast
"wait what guy was checking you out!?" He said angry
"just a guy "i said flatly
"we will talk about this after school!" He said not even giving me a chance to tell him I'm studying.

I was sent to referral again and there sat the 'bad boys'
"Aww sweetheart you really need to join our gang" ash said
"what gang?" I asked curiously
"well its for people like us that are dangerous and the mean" Leo said "okay" i said
"you have to swear to on train and never tell a soul" Mikey said
"train that seems like effort" i wined "becca?!" Leo warned
"fine tell me where and when" i said "okay so at about six p.m tonight at mine" Leo said
"okay where do you live?"I asked
"58 green witch road" he answered "Leo I...I think I live next to you!"I said "what this is news" Mikey noted
"yeh you think?" I said sarcastically.

After school I met stiles at the gate and we drove in my car to his house and he called to his mum
"My friend becca is here with me!" And we head towards the stairs passing Derek,his 12 year old brother, playing mw3 on his xbox, once we were in his room i looked at him and we started studying
"so we could ace this class if we just remember to point out everything briefly?" Stiles asked
"yup and everyone will think your smart" i said and laughed at it was 5:45 already
"omg I have to go see ya tomorrow!" I said and ran to my car and found i had my gym things I could change my trousers and shoes in the back seat new and cover the windows so I did.

After I was changed i drove to Leo's house and into their drive way just enough to hide my car from my brother.i knocked on the door and a shirtless ash answered
"hey becca your late by 15 minutes" he said angrily
"well I was busy!" I argued as we approached the rest of the guys
"busy doing what!?"He said frustrated "i was studying with stiles" i said innocently
"wait so you were 'studying' with stiles so you were late!" he asked
"yup now my English project is out of my way" I said and we soon a little boy ran in front of me being chased by Leo "save me please!"he said jumping into my arms
"well hello there" i said smiling at him "becca can you let me strangle the little shit!? Leo said walking over to us
"um no why would you do that!?" I argued back "he broke my black ops 3!" Leo wined
"God I can't just get you one from my game room" i said
"oh okay but put him down so we can train" he said and i placed the boy down and followed the guys to the gym room
"so becca our gang owns half the towns teen guys and there is the other half that belongs to our enemy Jay and we are fighting over the each others part of town " Leo explains
"so i need to fight?" I asked
"yeah you do and you need to help us plan attacks" Leo said
"okay I'm good with that" i answered And we watched ash and Mikey train and ash won
"your up with me becca" Leo said and we walked over to the mats he threw a punch at me and I blocked it and did a front kick and punched him in the gut he punched me back and i fell to the floor and i swiped out his legs then held him down
"where did you learn to fight?"He asked shocked
"i did kick boxing for 7 years of my life" i answered shrugging and helped him up
"Leo she is the perfect first girl!" Ash said happily
"wait there aren't any other girls in the gang?" I asked
"nope there are only guys so far " Leo said taking a sip of his water bottle "well I feel honoured " i said as we walked to Leo's room and the guys walked in except Leo and he stopped me pushed me against the wall and kissed me and I melted into it.

When we walked into the room ash and Mikey were looking at a map
"so if we go through the back of the factory and up the stairs we could find Jay and tie him up till he gives up the half of the town" ash said and we all nodded
"guys I think there is one problem with that we need to track his every move" i pointed out
"she has a point but how can we do that?" Leo asked
"can I find a pic of him?" I asked
"okay I need to find him some day soon and I need a tracker" i said
"okay here " Mikey said pulling one out of his pocket
"you don't know how creepy weird that is " i said laughing then my phone rang it was stiles
"hey stiles what's up?" I asked
"you left your house key at mine " he said
"okay I'm on my way!" I said hanging up
"sorry I left my key at stiles house" i said
"okay I wanna come with and wait in the car then!" Leo said
"okay sure but don't let him see you" i said and we left.

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