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At break we stayed at school and got to know each other Scarlett has blond hair and was wearing a tight black top with shorts on and Kate was also a brunette and she wore a vest top and shorts.
"So becca where are you from?" Alison asked
"London but I moved here to live with my big brother" I said happily and I noticed Kate looking at a group of boys "who are they?" I asked
"right, schools have groups we are popular girls and they are bad boys we don't go together at all so try stay clear of them but Kate likes Alec" Scarlett said rolling her eyes
"okay, wait so we are popular?!" I asked amazed
"yup" Alison replied and the bell rung.

At lunch we met in the canteen and walked to the parking lot and there were loads of people around my car so I pushed through and unlocked it and the girls got in and so did I
"OMG guuurl you car is amazing!"Kate said and I smiled
"my brother got it for me" I said and I drove away to my house and parked in the garage and we walked inside "Kevin! Kevin are you in?" I yelled "yeah be right down!" He called from upstairs and he came down the stairs "ahhhh OMG YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOUR BROTHER IS KEVIN YOUNG!!!" They all screamed
"well yeah I'm Rebecca young and don't get to worked up!" I said
"hey becca shouldn't you be at school?" Kevin asked
"we came here for lunch their food is totes gross!" I said laughing
"okay do you guys want me to make you all pancakes?" He asked
"YES!!!" We all screamed and we all went into the kitchen to eat pancakes.

After we finished we said bye to Kevin and got in my car on the drive back to school Alison said
"sorry we over reacted when we saw your brother we just weren't expecting that it would be Kevin Young"
"it's okay" I said
"who wants to go shopping after school?" Scarlett asked
"then after we can go to mine but I'm not sure if Kevin will be there" I said "we don't want to hang with him we want to hang with you!" Alison said and they all agreed
"okay shopping then back to mine for pizza?" I ask
"HELL YEAH" they scream and we pull in at school and head to our last lesson and we walk in and see the teacher "girls your late!" The teacher says "sorry we were eating pancakes at mine" I said innocently
"well Mrs young no need to be late now sit down or you will be punished!"she said
"well a huge fuck you bitch too" I whispered a little to loud to Alison "RIGHT REFERAL RIGHT NOW REBECCA!"the teacher yelled and handed me a slip and I walked out to the referral room.

Once I got to the referral room I walked in and sat down noticing the teacher and as I guess was usual the 'bad boys' were in there and they came over to me "hello what's a pretty girl like doing in this slammer?" One with dark eyes asked
"I was late to my lesson and told the teacher she was a bitch and to fuck off" I said nicely
"sorry bad girl right here!" One yelled nearly waking the teacher
"don't worry sweetheart I don't need your complements" I said looking at him
"you ain't even pretty" he said
"actually bro she is!" The dark eyes one said
"yeah she is" the blue eyed one said "sorry I'm with them two with this one"the green eyed one said
"I'm Jason"the dark eyed one said
"im Ashton or ash for short" the blue eyed one said
"I'm Mikey" the green eyed one said "God damn it I'm Leo" the mean one said
"well I'm Rebecca but everyone just calls me becca" I said smiling

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