Part 5: >_> pretend this has a cool name

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Len was absolutely out of breath. Scarred for lyfe. Poor thang. He did not want to see his sister be tortured. Even if she is just real mean, he will protect her. With all his life.
His eyes were wide open, feeling so cold and small. He took one loud gasp and struck his hand at Rin's arm.

Rin was still unconscious.

Gumi dashed over to Rin and Len. "Dammit ik I shouldn't of left you two!" She grabbed her own head. "Ugh!"

Teto stayed by the door, honestly in shock because of what she just saw. "I-is rin alright?" She mumbled a question.

Len brought himself up, ignoring everyone, and latched onto Rin intetly. He closed his eyes tightly, and hugged her.
"Shhhhh....  Shhhhhhhhh...." He hushed softly, stroking her in his arms like a total weirdo, "You'll be okaaayyyyyyy....."

"Len are you okay?" Teto asked as she stayed at the door.

"Len....let me see Rin to make sure she's fine." Gumi said after Teto spoke. Gumi moved closer to Len and reached to touch Rin head..

Len blinked, staring at Gumi now. He slapped her hand away, seeming incredibly frustrated.  He looked back at Rin, still holding on tight.
"A- Are you cold? I'll give you my shirt...! Hungry? I'll find food! Thirsty? I will get you water! Tired...? You can sleep and I'll carry you! HURT!? I'LL HURT THEM TOO...." He asked to unconscious Rin, being incredibly protective

"Len! Rins unconscious she can't even hear you!" Gumi yelled then did her best to pull Rin out of lens arms. "Not letting me see if she's okay could just make her worse! Len what if Rin really hurt her head? Just let me see her for a sec!"

Teto continued to stand there, unsure of how to help.

Len slowly began to tear up, sitting straight forward with Rin in his arms.
"S- Shhhhhhh! You have to check her while I'm still holding her!" He ordered, getting cuddled up into Rin's arms with a frown.
The poor boy only wanted to care for his sister.

Gumi looked at Rins head, and under her hair to see if something had happened. "Well I'm not really a I'm not sure if there damage inside of her head..."

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital or something" Teto mumbled from the door.

Gumi stared at Rin. "That will probably cause more death, probably many people at the hospital already would be killed by the ghosts that follow Rin." Gumi sighed. "So I'm not really sure what to do."

Len instantly went into panic mode, flipping utter shit as he held Rin tighter.
"NO. WE TAKE HER TO THE DOCTOR RIGHT NOW. SCREW OTHER PEOPLE, RIN IS GOING TO SURVIVE!" He yelled louder than he ever thought he could.

"O-oh Kay!" Gumi gestured toward the door and then started walking out of the room. Then she glared at Teto as if saying pick up the candles and shit and bring them with us.

Teto picked up the candles and shit then was stopped at the door of the school by gumi. "Actually Teto can you please starts puting the candles around the school? I'll just take a couple with me."

"So do I light then with a lighter?" Teto asked as she gave a couple to Gumi.

"No! You need to chant the words in this book-" Gumi was about to hand Teto a mini spell book from the pile but hesitated before doing so as if remembering memories. Guni then handed the book to Teto and opened it to a certain page and pointed. "Say those words by the candles and they'll light themselves."
Gumi then continued to walk out of the school, taking Len and Rin with her. Teto started walking in a different direction with the candles and shit.

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